Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

IFCC CG 2016 Madrid

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 SATURDAY 19 March 2016

General Conference Session 1:

Chair: Sergio Bernardini

Welcome - Opening of the General Conference

Bernard Gouget

The IFCC Executive Board:


Strategic Plan (2016-2017)

Maurizio Ferrari

Treasurer’s report

Tomris Ozben

Corporate Members’ report

 Rolf Hinzmann

IFCC Federations’ Report


Arab Federation of Clinical Biology (AFCB)

Mohammed Assan Kamil

African Federation of Clinical Chemistry (AFCC)

Adekunle B. Okesina

Asia Pacific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (APFCB)

Leslie Lai

Latin American Confederation of Clinical Biochemistry (COLABIOCLI)

Q. F. Graciela Queiruga

European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)

Mauro Panteghini

North American Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (NAFCC)

David Kinniburgh



General Conference Session 2:

Chair: Leslie Lai

EMD Executive Summary

Leslie Lai

Mentoring Programme

Donald Young

Developing Quality Competence in Medical Laboratories (DQCML)

Michael Thomas

Cancer Genomics: Revolution in Medical Practice

Jason Park, Paolo Fortina

Crossing science and education: HbA1c analysis: Understanding what is measured is fundamental to interpretation

Garry John

EMD-CPD Joint Interactive Session: IFCC E-Academy: “The new tool for Implementation of Distance Learning Programs in Laboratory Medicine’’

 Janet Smith, Peter Vervaart



General Conference Session 3:

Chair: Khosrow Adeli

CPD Executive Summary

Khosrow Adeli

IFCC PR Activities: “Facing the Digital Future of IFCC Communications”

Edgard Delvin

Actividades del Comite de Relaciones Publicas de IFCC: “De cara al futuro digital en Comunicaciones en IFCC”

Edgard Delvin

Value and Impact of Laboratory Medicine in Healthcare: An IFCC Taskforce Report

Khosrow Adeli

Buscando la Evidencia de la Importancia de la  Medicina de Laboratorio (Laboratorio Clínico)

Khosrow Adeli

IFCC Website: A Guided Tour

Janine Grant

Sitio web de IFCC: Una Visita Guiada

Janine Grant

Digital Publishing in Academia: Recent Advances

Tahir Pillay

Dinner with keynote address and discussion

Moderator: Damien Gruson

The protective role of Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular disease, risk in the Environmental Health Perspectives

Prof. Demosthenes Panagiotakos
Harakopio University, Athens


SUNDAY 20 March 2016

General Conference Session 4:

Chair: Rolf Hinzmann

Strengthening partnership between IFCC and its Corporate Members

Graham Beastall

Keynote Lecture: Serving patients, physicians and payers, Challenges for the IVD industry in a rapidly changing environment

Patrick Bugeon



General Conference Session 5:

Chair: Ian Young

SD Executive Summary

Ian Young

Standardization of laboratory tests - why it is needed

Graham Beastall

Standardization of laboratory tests - how to do it

Greg Miller

Standardization - the example of thyroid function tests

Linda Thienpont



General Conference Session 5 (Continuation)

Chair: Philippe Gillery

Keynote address: Emerging and disruptive technologies

Larry Kricka

Measurement and clinical utility of CSF proteins

Kaj Blennow

Standardization of autoimmune tests: successes and challenges

Joanna Sheldon



General Conference Session 6: Interactive Workshops

Vanessa Steenkamp





Rationale use of contemporary and high-sensivity cardiac troponin assays

J. Ordoñez-Llanos


Precision, Personalized and Stratified Medicine: the central role of Lab Medicine in its development and clinical use.
Where do we stand, where can we go?

R. van Schaik


Critical Values for Use in Children

S. Geaghan,
V. Grey


Research as a career – A Perspective From Young Scientist

 P. Dabla


What is the best strategy to achieve compliance with QMS- and QC-requirements in the clinical laboratory?

E. Amann,
S. Yenice


Increasing Clinical Effectiveness (ICE)

G. Beastall


Demonstrating the value of Laboratory Medicine

H. Morris,
A. St John

Turkish Biochemical Society (TBS)

1. Biological variation and patient safety. How should clinicians interpret laboratory results?

A. Coskun

2. Worldwide standardized education and training in clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine

D. Aslan

Radio “El Microscopio”

Biochemistry 2.0
Biochemistry Knowledge Management - Knowledge economy
Improving the use and Interpretation (value) of Biochemistry Information

H. Fares-Taie,

S. Fares-Taie


POCT: Tackling the Current Issues and Planning for Future Ones

A. Khan


Meeting the clients with the producers on Proficiency Testing of rare analytes

A. Haliassos





Open meeting with all IFCC National Representatives and Representatives from Iberoamerican countries - Participation at IFCC activities, and sharing experiences: interactive discussion

Rosa Sierra Amor


Cooperación entre la SEQC y las Sociedades de Bioquímica Clínica de América Latina

Jose Queraltó


 MONDAY 21 March 2016

General Conference Session 7:

Chair: Tomáš Zima

C-CC Executive Summary: The emergent hybrid Lab Med Conferences: future vision of IFCC congresses and meetings

Tomáš Zima

The forthcoming IFCC congresses presented by the Congress Presidents



Nov 26-29, 2016

XXII IFCC-EFLM EuroMedLab 2017 Athens GR

Jun 11-15, 2017


Sep 17-22, 2017

XXIII IFCC WorldLab 2017 Durban, ZA

Oct 22-25, 2017

XXIII IFCC-EFLM EuroMedLab 2019 Barcelona, ES

May 19-23, 2019

XXIV IFCC WorldLab 2020 Seoul, KR

May 24-28, 2020



TF-Ethics: Pearls along with three complete “Pearls”
Ethics in Laboratory Medicine: Using “Pearls” as an innovative teaching method (Flash Player required )

Chair: Ann Gronowski



Closing remarks: Outcome of the Madrid General Conference and new perspectives for IFCC

Maurizio Ferrari

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