Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

ICHCLR Funding Opportunity




Application for financial support for a standardization/harmonization project


We are pleased to inform you that initial funding for SD and other standardization/harmonization projects is available from the International Consortium for Harmonization of Clinical Laboratory Results (ICHCLR). The funding is intended to support the following types of activity: an initial meeting of a working group to develop the detailed experimental design for a project; an initial experiment to launch a project; or other similar activity to stimulate the work. The expectation is the working group will obtain additional funding from other sources to complete the project.

The amount of funding is flexible and the application will be reviewed by the ICHCLR Harmonization Oversight Group and Council.

The application for funding is available clicking here, and also on the ICHCLR home page at:



We look forward to receiving applications for funding. 


Sverre Sandberg
Chair, Council of the ICHCLR

Ian Young
Chair, Harmonization Oversight Group (HOG)

Philippe Gillery
Chair, Scientific Division, IFCC


Further details about ICHCLR are available clicking here


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