Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Budapest IFCC General Conference Presentations


SATURDAY – 10th November 2018


08:30                  Welcome and Opening of the General Conference Co-Chair David Kinniburgh


08:45-10:35       IFCC Executive Board Presentations

08:45-09:55       Strategic Plan - Howard Morris

09:55-10:15       Corporate Members report - Rolf Hinzmann

10:15-10:35       Finance report - Tomris Ozben



11:00-12:30       IFCC Regional Federations Reports

11:00 AFCB - Abderrazek Hedhili

11:15 AFCC - Adekunle Bashiru Okesina

11:30 APFCB - Sunil Sethi

11:45 COLABIOCLI - Stella Raymondo

12:00 EFLM - Sverre Sandberg

12:15 NAFCC - Ann Gronowski


13.30-13:45       WorldLab Seoul 2020 presentation


13:45-15:15       Education and Management Division (EMD)

13:45-14:00       Leslie Lai, Chair

14:00-14:15       AACC Educational programmes - Nader Rifai

14:15-14:30       C-CMBC Holding workshops with the ‘Lab in a Suitcase’ - Evi Lianidou

14:30-15:00       C-IDL IFCC eAcademy: how it works - Loralie Langman

15:00-15:15       WG-DQCML - Developing sustainable EQA in resource-poor environments - Egon Amann


15:45-17:00       Communications and Publications Division (CPD)

15:45-16:15       Future Communication Strategy for IFCC - Khosrow Adeli, Chair

16:15-16:30       IFCC eApp and ePublications - Tahir Pillay

16:30-16:45       Communication Strategy in Education and Dissemination - János Kappelmayer

16:45-17:00       A new award programme to inspire Healthcare Excellence - Patricia Ravalico



SUNDAY – 11th November 2018


8:30                    Welcome to Day 2: Co-Chair Ioana Brudasca


08:40-10:00       Executive Board Committees

08:40-09:10       The Health economic value of laboratory diagnostics - Paul Jülicher (Abbott)

09:10-09:40       Congresses and Conferences - predatory conferences and Medtech Europe code - James Wesenberg

09:40-10:00       Task Force for Young Scientists - Leadership & Team Development: Success Together
                          TF-YS Survey - Pradeep Kumar Dabla


10:30-12:30       Scientific Division (SD)

10:30-10:55       Scientific Division: Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives – Philippe Gillery, Chair

10:55-11:15       The urgent need of holistic standardization approaches: a typical case study

                            (PT/INR) - Christa Cobbaert

11:15-11:30       IFCC involvement in harmonization / standardization of autoimmune tests: challenges in a new field of investigation
                          - Joanna Sheldon

11:30-11:45       Standardization in Molecular Diagnostics: outcomes and perspectives – Debs Payne 

11:45-12:00       Standardization of HbA2: a long way to succeed - Andrea Mosca

12:00-12:15       Thematic approaches: the example of bone metabolism - Etienne Cavalier


At 11.00 a minute of silence has been observed, commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the end of the 1st World War - Armistice of Compiègne (FR) signed at 11 am on 11th November 1918 ("the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month").


13:15-14:30       Emerging Technologies Division (ETD)

13:15-13:45       Sergio Bernardini, Chair

13:45-14:00       C-Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Laboratory Medicine - Tim Lang

14:00-14:15       C-Mobile Health and Bioengineering in Laboratory Medicine - Bernard Gouget

14:15-14:30       C-Omics Translation - Paolo Fortina


15:00-17:00       Interactive Workshops

15:00-15:40       The new European Union In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation:
                          How will it affect your laboratory and our Corporate Members? Graham Beastall, Gary Myers and James Pierson-Perry

15:40-16:20       International Consortium for Harmonization of Clinical Laboratory Results - Greg Miller

16:20-17:00       The Role of Management Innovation and Leadership for the Clinical Laboratory - Sedef Yenice, Ed Randell


17:00-17:30       Closing remarks

Outcomes of the Budapest General Conference and new directions for the IFCC - Howard Morris

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