Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

IFCC Task Force Young Scientists: Recent activities

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Biochemical Genetics in Functional Diagnosis and
Monitoring of Inborn Errors of Metabolism

The IFCC Task Force Young Scientists held its ninth educational webinar for scientists and laboratorians, brought to you by the IFCC Task Force Young Scientists. This educational program focused on the biochemical genetics in diagnosis and monitoring of inborn errors of metabolism.

Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) are a large and heterogeneous group of genetic diseases. In most of these conditions, the presence of variants in specific genes leads to enzyme deficiencies that affect a particular metabolic step. For the majority of IEM, early diagnosis prevents the onset of severe clinical symptoms, thus reducing morbidity and mortality. This webinar helped us to understand better the different lab diagnostic approaches and latest techniques available.

Khosrow Adeli PhD, FCACB, DABCC
Head and Professor, Clinical Biochemistry, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine
Senior Scientist, Molecular Medicine, Research Institute
The Hospital for Sick Children/University of Toronto, Canada 

Dr. Pradeep K. Dabla, Professor, MD
Dept of Biochemistry,
G.B.Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (GIPMER) 
Associated to MAMC, Delhi, India

Click here to view the recorded webinar.

Click here to download Webinar's Q&A


Brought to you by IFCC TFYS/IFCC Task Force Young Scientists
For inquiries, please email:

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Symposium & Workshop at APFCB 2019, Jaipur, India
to be a part of Global community

Also find more details listening to PODCAST Prof. Pradeep Dabla: APFCB 2019

All about APFCB 2019 Congress & presence of IFCC-TFYS

The IFCC TF YS is pleased to announce that its FUNCTIONAL MEETING

"Team IFCC-TFYS – Tomorrow’s Leaders"

was held on 19th Nov 2019, 0900-1300, 

Jaipur Exhibition & Convention Centre,
Sitapura Industrial Area, Jaipur - Rajasthan (IN) Room JECC L5

for Young Scientists who were registered with the Congress

Chair : Prof Tomris Ozben
Co-Chairs: Damien Gruson & Pradeep K Dabla

01 TFYS Workforce & webinars- where we are ? Pradeep Kr. Dabla

02 Global Survey Young Scientists 2018- updates Guilaine Boursier 

04 Mentorship Program- Current State and Future Plans  J. El-Khoury

05 Regional Activties & Plans for Social Networking A. Rampul

06  Santiago Fares Taie

07 TFYS Capillary Programme- future plans  G. Sancesario

07 TFYS- What Next ? Pradeep K Dabla & Damien Gruson


Click here for more details

see below table for complete overview of YS activities

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IFCC TFYS-Snibe Travel Awards" for Young Scientists
to attend and participate to the 15th APFCB 2019, Jaipur, India.

Deadline of submission: 5th August 2019

Travel Grant Support


  • Each Award consists of a Certificate & amount value of the sum SGD 1000/- paid to each winner during APFCB Congress Award Ceremony.

The information is available on APFCB2019 website: IFCC TFYS-Snibe Travel Awards - 15th APFCB Congress | 2019

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XXXIIIèmes Journées Nationales de Biologie Clinique
25, 26 et 27 avril 2019
Hôtel Le Royal- Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisie

Trends in medical laboratory science technology
A Young Scientists session organized during
the 33th Tunisian National Congress of Clinical Biology

By Dr Manel Chaabane
Associate Professor of Hematology
National Blood Transfusion Center of Tunisia
General Secretary of the STBC 
National Corresponding member for IFCC TF YS

The 33th National Congress of the Tunisian Society of Clinical Biology (STBC) was held in the Mediterranean city of Hammamet on 25-27 April 2019. An IFCC Task Force Young Scientists session was organized by the STBC executive board (EB) in collaboration with Task Force for Young Scientists (TF YS) of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) and IFCC EB, within the framework of the congress.

Young scientists from India, Italy, Turkey and Tunisia have participated to the session which was chaired by young scientists from Tunisia.

Chairs: Nabila BEN REJEBAida ARGOUBI, Mouna SASSI 

The first conference entitled “IFCC TF YS: A short presentation” was presented by Dr. Manel Chaabane (TN) and was dedicated to the aim, objectives and activities of the IFCC TF YS. At the end of the presentation, Dr. Manel Chaabane recalled that  the STBC EB is about to create of the Tunisian Young Scientists Working Group in order to reinforce the contribution of Tunisian young professionals to the promotion of laboratory medicine at both national and international level. 


Dr. Giulia Sancesario (IT), IFCC TF YS member and coordinator of  the Young Scientists Working Group of the Italian Society of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Biology  (SIBioC), presented a lecture about “New technology in pre-analytical phase” focusing on the importance of standardization and monitoring of this phase for laboratory efficiency and operational costs reduction.


The "Advances in analytical phase" were presented by Dr. Sedat Abuşoğlu (TR), who highlighted the role of nano-materials and mass spectrometry technology in the improvement of diagnostic tools. The role of point of care testing (POCT) devices in the development of the interaction between the patient and the clinician was also raised.


Dr. Manel Chaabane (TN) Dr. Giulia Sancesario (IT) Dr. Sedat Abuşoğlu (TR)

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dabla (IN), chair of IFCC TF YS, attended the session via video conference from Delhi and gave a lecture about "Advances in post analytical-phase". He provided substantive information about the requirements of the ISO15189 standards, reference limits and laboratory quality indicators defined by the IFCC working group on laboratory errors and patient safety.




 An interesting debate chaired by Dr. Nabila Ben Rejeb (Associate Professor of Biochemistry), Dr.  Mouna Sassi (Associate Professor of Hematology) and Dr. Aida El Argoubi (Associate Professor of Virology) followed each presentation and new issues were raised in relation with limited resources at the disposal of developing countries, the controversial role of POCT etc.

The session was attended by more than ninety participants. They found the lectures very informative and they were very interested in the activities of the IFCC TF YS.




This event was one of the most successful collaborations that has been established at the occasion of the young scientists meeting during the 1st IFCC Conference “Laboratory Medicine: Meeting the needs of Mediterranean Nations” held in Rome-Italy from 2nd to 4th July, 2018. 




 We hope that more important links will be created between Tunisian young scientists, IFCC TF YS and national young scientists working groups in order to share experience and promote innovation. 


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23 February 2019
Young Scientists Session "
Exchanging Young Scientists Experience"
Alexandria, Egypt



A successful session for Young Scientists in Laboratory Medicine, took place in Egypt at the Annual International Conference of The Chemical Pathology Department, MedicalResearch Institute - Alexandria University, in collaboration with The African Federationof Clinical Chemistry (AFCC). The conference was held on the 22nd and 23rd of February2019, in the charming Mediterranean city of Alexandria, with participation of many international speakers including many eminent IFCC members.


The Young Scientists session in the conference had the title:


"Exchanging Young Scientists Experience" 
Session“Opportunities and Challenges”


Congress Speakers and participants


Many Congratulations to Ramy Assaad Khalil Lecturer (MD/PhD) of Chemical Pathology - Alexandria University Corresponding Member IFCC TF-YS for organising session.





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 Conducting Research in Laboratory Medicine
an Online Interactive Session via ZOOM with the Experts
13th March, 2019 - the Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan


 By Dr. Sibtain Ahmed (Clinical Chemistry, AKU)


An interactive Zoom session was organized by the section of Clinical Chemistry, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The Aga Khan University (AKU) Karachi, Pakistan under the auspices of Pakistan society of Chemical Pathology (PSCP) and IFCC on 13th March, 2019 from 10 am to 12 pm. The agenda of this virtual podium was to ensure collaboration between IFCC senior members and young scientists from Pakistan. The session was structured in order to share the vast experience of well renowned scientists and senior members from PSCP and IFCC; alongside their overall vision related to research methodology to the budding scientists and Chemical Pathologists in the region at various levels of their profession and career. 




                     Participants connected via ZOOM               Dr. Graham Beastall delivering his presentation


Participants from Karachi assembled at AKU whereas more than 70 participants, from 25 different centers across 14 cities in Pakistan were connected through ZOOM. The program began with an introductory and welcome note by Dr. Sibtain Ahmed (Senior Instructor, Clinical Chemistry AKU). The first talk was delivered by Dr. Ashlin Rampul (Core member IFCC task force for young scientists). He gave an overview of the aims and vision of the task force and encouraged young scientists from the region to activity support and participate in the initiatives of this group.  He further emphasized on the importance of conducting research in Laboratory Medicine and provided guidance for the selection of appropriate research project based on certain parameters. The next presentation was the highlight of the program, it was delivered live by eminent scholar Dr. Graham Beastall (Former President IFCC). He gave an introduction to the IFCC research guide available free of cost on the IFCC webpage; followed by a detailed and comprehensive lecture on formulating a research plan, conducting the study and analyzing findings. The two talks were followed by 15 minutes of question and answer session, the two speakers especially Dr. Beastall responded to the queries pertaining to funding opportunities and low cost research projects for the under developed regions.






                       Participants from Bahwalpur                             Participants from Lahore







Participants from Karachi gathered at AKU




The final one hour of the virtual session was facilitated by presentations from senior faculty of Clinical Chemistry in Pakistan. Focusing on dissemination of research findings which is the high need of time, Dr. Imran Siddiqui (Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, AKU) gave some golden tips to ace the poster and oral presentations at various platforms. Dr. Lena Jafri (Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, AKU) enlisted the pearls and key steps in write-up of a manuscript and submission for publication. As selection of journals for publication along with adequate impact, authenticity and indexing is vital, this topic was addressed by Dr. Aysha Habib Khan Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, AKU)  an eminent and devoted scholar. Most of the young trainees in Pakistan, enrolled in fellowship of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan in Clinical Chemistry face the dilemma of deciding between dissertations in comparison to publication of research articles in order to sit the exam. Dr. Adnan Zubairi (Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Ziauddin Medical University Karachi) compared to the two, highlighted the pros vs cons and encouraged the need of quality research publications from the country.



The program was highly informative and aimed on building strong collaboration between centers across Pakistan and globally with the eminent scholars. Dr. Adnan Zubairi concluded the session with a note of thanks and appreciation. Feedback from participants was centered at the need of more such virtual sessions in the region as they proved to be highly beneficial especially for trainees working in far flung areas.  Dr. Beastall appreciated Dr. Sibtain Ahmed and commended PSCP; for the vision to hold this event and for making the arrangements. Speaking on the utility of such sessions he commented ‘the ability to hold national and international meetings at virtually no cost is clearly a model that will be adopted widely.’


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Interview to Dr. Pradeep Dabla, chair of the IFCC TF-YS, broadcasted on El Microscopio -15 February 2018- 9AM EST


 Click here to listen to the interview:


 "Integration and impact of High Sensitive Troponin Testing in Improving Patient Care" 
IFCC-TFYS activities- let's join hands together




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Free educational Webinars 














IFCC TF-YS Symposium at 




 ACBICON - 4-6 Dec 2017, KGMC, Lucknow, India


 Leadership Skills: Essential for Career & Organisational Succes

Prof Maurizio Ferrari (President IFCC)
Dr Bernard Gouget (IFCC NC Chair)

Preparing for Leadership: new challenges and responsibilities   
Prof Howard Morris (President Elect, IFCC)

Developing Strong Presence for Women 
Prof Tomris Ozben (Treasurer, IFCC)

Critical Thinking: Building Good Judgement
Dr Praveen Sharma (Chief Editor IJCB & EB-ACBI, APFCB)

Leadership & Team Development: Success Toghether 
Dr. Pradeep K Dabla (Chair, IFCC TF-YS)


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ACBI-IFCC TFYS Awards 2017:

The ACBI-IFCC TF-YS Awards were novel idea of joint efforts of ACBI & IFCC-TFYS. So, this 3rd Award competition is chosen to provide young researchers an opportunity to focus on and develop interest in « Research ». The ultimate aim of this program is to foster and secure excellent young researchers since ACBICON-2015.

5 Young Scientists (YS's) will be selected on to the basis of original papers submitted and be given oral presentation in award session.  They will be granted cash Rs.5000/- & Certificate as award with the kind support of Congress Organising Committee. 

For instructions to apply please visit the page at:

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IFCC TF-YS Survey: YS training & career

The IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists invites you to complete the Survey: "YS training & career". 
Brought to you by the IFCC Task Force Young Scientists, this survey aims to acquire preliminary information of young colleague’s education, training, career path, research interest, field of work and association with TFYS. This will enable us to share and focus our energies to find support for base programmes that are needed.

Kindly find here the link to complete the survey: IFCC TF-YS Survey: YS training & career

All the young colleagues are encouraged to participate in the activities of IFCC-TFYS!

TF YS Logo

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Watch The First AFCC LabMed Internet Radio Vedio 
produced by H.Maronga and AFCC LabMed Internet Radio Team.

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 IFCC WorldLab 2017- Durban (ZA)
October 22-25, 2017

The IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists invites you to attend Symposium 14 

Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 10:45-12:15



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Many Young Scientists from developing countries received Sponsorship to participate at WorldLab 2017, Durban: 
courtesy WorldLab Congress Organizers & Associations

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Young Scientists as Volunteers in support of the IFCC-EML Congress in Athens


We are excited to announce that the selected volunteers are:

Akinwumi Ogundajo

ACCN - Nigeria

Anna Velts

Estonian Society for Lab Medicine- Estonia

Basanta Gelal

Nepalese Ass for Clinical Chemistry (NACC) - Nepal

Giulia Sancesario

Società Italiana di Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica - Italy

Gabriel Lima Oliveira

SOCIEDADE Brasileira de Analises Clinicas - Brazil

Geraldine Dayrit

Philippine Association of Medical Technologists

Itai Chitungo

ZACB - Zimbabwe

Martí María Belén


Schroeder Maria Eugenia

Asociación Bioquímica Uruguaya

Pijanovic Marina

Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia (SMBS)- Serbia

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EuroMedLab Athens 2017:  Special Event for Young Scientists!
Tuesday June 13 night - Starting at 20.00

The event is organized jointly by the IFCC Task Force of Young Scientists TF-YS) and the International Society of Enzymology (ISE). It combines a scientific presentation by Dr. Nader Rifai, Editor in Chief of “Clinical Chemistry”, entitled “Communication of Scientific Information” and a musical performance of the well-known Mikis Theodorakis Orchestra.

A Get Together Dinner, kindly offered by the GSCC-CB,  overlooking the Acropolis and the Parthenon, awaits for you! The evening will continue in a friendly musical atmosphere.

The event is free for the first 100 Young Scientists registered to the Congress who confirm the participation!

Venue: Gazarte, 32-34 Voutadon Str.- Gazi, Kerameikos Station.

Do not miss this opportunity to learn and network with other Young Scientists coming from all over the world!

Click here to Register!

 (registrations open on May 20

The Young Scientists Night is open to all other delegates but they need to purchase a ticket (80 euros per person) by writing to Amanda Goddard ( Space is limited and tickets will be sold on a first-come first-served basis.

… and mark in your agenda also the other events addressed to Young Scientists:

  • “Meet the Experts” Sessions: six interactive sessions (on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) have been organized by the Scientific Congress Committee in collaboration with the Young Scientists Division of IFCC covering subjects of general interest. An interesting opportunity to join a small group of interested colleagues for an intense and interactive discussions. Sessions are open to all delegates but require a free pre-registration as the seats’ availability is limited for practical reasons. For more details visit and download the scientific programme.

  • Open meeting & Quiz of the IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists:  Tuesday June 13 from h. 9.00 to 12.30 at the Hilton Hotel – (Meeting room: Santorini 4-5-6) – Young Scientists like surprises -Prizes for Quiz winners;


To confirm the presence, please contact:

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The IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists presents an interview with








Jorge Díaz-Garzón, IFCC Professional Management Exchange Programme (PSEP) participant,








and Dr. Fred Apple, his USA mentor.








Click here to read the interview








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Medlab 2016, Harare, Zimbabwe
16 June 2016, 2-4PM
"Scientific Writing"








by: Itai Chitungo
Country representative-TFYS








ZACB 2016 IFCC TFYSParticipants at the session on “Scientific Writing”, organized by IFCC Task Force for  Young Scientists








On the 17th June 2016, an IFCC-ZACB-TFYS educational and networking event was successful held in Harare at the Rainbow Towers. The theme of the event was ‘Scientific Writing’. The event drew a diverse attendance from students in various disciplines and also professionals in both public and private sectors. The student comprised undergraduates in medicine (4), pharmacy (5), laboratory sciences (4) and nutritional science (6) and postgraduate students in chemical pathology (8) and medical microbiology (2). In attendance was also Prof Howard Morris (The IFCC-VLP for ZACB 2016).Prof. Hilda Matarira (ZACB President and AFCC Secretary) chaired the event. Click here to read the Session Programme








Prof. Matarira gave the opening remarks on scientific research by highlighting the application of scientific method to the investigation of relationships among natural phenomenon, and in solving a medical or technicalproblem. The results of scientific research need to be documented and disseminated. The workshop will help young scientist on developing, documenting and dissemination of scientific research results. A panel of experienced academics and researchers will lead the workshop. The purpose of the workshop was two folds: first is to give students a sequential approach to writing the research paper from selecting a topic, doing the research, organizing the materials, and producing the finished document. Secondly, to prepare future researchers to meet the demands and rigors of college writing and research. She concluded by opening the workshop and introducing the speaker, Dr. Maramba (Hematology Lecturer for Department of Medical Laboratory Science).








Dr. Aaron  Maramba began his presentation onthe topic “Developing an idea” where he highlighted that ideas for scientific writing  are apparent in our everyday work, conversation with colleagues or strange places. Since ideas are everywhere, the first step is to document them for future reference and exploration.  In that regard, a notebook shall be a researcher’s constant companion. These ideas can then further explored through research and discussions with colleagues and seniors to refine it further.
















The next segment of the presentation was on “Manuscript writing.” The success of manuscriptwriting hinges of careful planning and implementation. In planning a manuscript, it is essential to draft each section of the investigation in different headings and subheadings. The headings and subheading are translated into goals.  These goals will give the research milestone to pursue and achieve in a given timeline. Attainment of the milestones will result in satisfactory manuscript.Prof Morris weighed in with his contribution by pointing out that writing is the difficult aspect of a research and getting started is the hardest part. His advice was that it is easy to start with the results and methods section followed by the discussion, conclusion, introduction, references and title, leaving the abstract until last.








“Importance of Journal Selection & Submission.” Selecting the best target or right fit journal for your research is a critical step. It can save you considerable time and effort by avoiding rejection. It will help other researchers in your field to find your work and aid in improving visibility. Prof. Howard Morris advised that authors should state in the cover letter that is included with the manuscript what the article is all about and why it should be added in the journal of interest.








Omolara Popoola (Core Member, IFCC-TFYS) led the Introduction to IFCC-Task Force for Young Scientists’ Session with a welcome address on behalf of the IFCC-TFYS Chair, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dabla. She then gave a presentation on the Vision and Activities of IFCC-TFYS,which captivated the audience. The young scientists were particularly interested in the exchange program and how they could be involved in the future IFCC events.
















Itai Chitungo gave the closing where he challenged the YS of Zimbabwe to start planning and organizing a strong contingent to attend WORLDLAB in Durban next year by getting their projects started for submission of posters and raising funds to hire a bus to take the contingent to Durban.
















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Click on the title to see the presentation

Research as a Career: A Perspective From Young Scientists

by Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dabla
Chair, IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists

IFCC General Conference, Madrid, (ES) - 20 March 2016








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“WASPaLM  - IFCC TF YS Joint Session, CANCUN 2015”

18th November 2015, 8.00AM-11.00AM

Young Specialists in Lab Medicine of the Future – Preparing Together








WASPaLM in conjunction with Mexican Federation of Clinical Pathology and the Federation of Pathology of Mexico organised the XXVIII World Congress WASPaLM-2015 from 18to 21 November 2015 in Cancun. Cancun is a beautiful city located on the Caribbean Sea in south eastern Mexico near the center of the Mayan Civilisation.








This joint session of WASPaLM and IFCC was conducted on 18 November 2015 as a clinical pathology course (CPC9). The goal of the session was to bring young scientists from both sides of the Atlantic together on the same platform for discussion, networking and exchange of ideas in the rapidly changing world of healthcare; both in terms of technology and economic pressures.Medical tests impact patient health by influencing clinical management and decisions. Thus, in addition to their role in diagnosis, clinical laboratories are now increasingly becoming involved in assisting physicians make therapeutic decisions. Laboratories therefore may need to develop different implementation strategies for their hospitals, general practitioners or other clinician clients to increase awareness, thus facilitating adherence of recommendations through acceptance and adoption designs.








TF YS 2015 Cancun








Persons in the center, from left to right:
Dr Michael Oellerich (Former President WASPaLM), Dr Rosa Sierra-Amor (EB-IFCC), Prof Maurizio Ferrari (President IFCC), Dr Lai-Meng Looi (President WASPaLM), Dr. Tjin-Shing Jap (Organizing Committee ASCPaLM 2016), Dr Pradeep Kumar Dabla (Chair IFCC-TFYS)








The session was opened with welcome addresses by Dr Lai Meng Looi, President of WASPaLM, and Dr Maurizio Ferrari, President of IFCC, coordinated by Dr Rosa Sierra-Amor, EB-IFCC. These were followed by a short introduction to the IFCC-Task Force on Young Scientists (TFYS) by Dr Pradeep Kumar Dabla, Chair IFCC-TFYS. The first talk of the session was given by Dr Michael Oellerich, Director for Europe, WASPaLM, titled “Future of Laboratory Medicine- Challenges & Opportunities”. He discussed the major current forces driving clinical laboratory organization and the opportunities of personalized diagnostics. He concluded that despite all challenges we should be optimistic because the new technologies and advances in Molecular Diagnostics provide an environment in which Laboratory Medicine has a chance to grow as an academic profession. The next talk was given by Dr Roberto Ruiz-Cordero, a young WASPaLM scientist doing a fellowship at Anderson Cancer Center, USA. The title of his talk was “Healthcare & Medical Laboratory- State of Major Transformations” where he summarized the financing, work environment and key delivery issues and how to tackle them. The third talk was given by Dr Pradeep Kumar Dabla, Chair IFCC-TFYS, entitled “Interface Linking Laboratory Medicine & Clinical Medicine - Two sides of same coin”. He emphasized that the role of the laboratory in patient management should be improved by adding value to laboratory tests through the use of appropriate test requests and utilisation that meet changing testing needs. He explained that the laboratory-clinical interface is of fundamental importance to ensure that the patient is given high quality care. Lastly Dr José Francisco Muñoz-Valle, Professor at the Universidad de Guadalajara, discussed “Education & Training Programmes Opportunities – Preparing Lab work force” in which he gave a clear view of the requirements and different educational programmes available in different parts of Mexico for young laboratory scientists.








The meeting ended with a vote of thanks from Dr Rosa Sierra-Amor and the commitment by Senior Leaders of both societies to again conduct such joint educational and networking activities in the near future.








The TFYS would like to thank all Senior Members of WASPaLM, IFCC and the participants for their attendance and support. The session was successful in contributing to the understanding of the current trends inLaboratory Medicine and in allowing young scientists to be aware of future challenges and opportunities.








For information & Queries:
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dabla























ACBICON-2015, Chandigarh, India,
25-28 November 2015








The Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (ACBI) is supporting the IFCC-TFYS educational sessions since 2010. In continuation Organising Committee of 42nd National Conference of ACBICON-2015, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India supported the TFYS sessions 2015, India. The sessions were designed especially for Young Scientists (YS) included Pre-conference “Medical Writing CME” and first time conducted “ACBI-IFCC TFYS Young Scientist Award2015” fully supported by Organizing Committee. The conference was held in Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER). PGIMER,Chandigarh was conceived in 1960 as a center of excellence to develop patterns of teaching in postgraduate medical education and attempt to produce specialists in several disciplines of medicine with intensive research in the field of health.








Click here to read the report
and the Young Scientists experiences of participating in & attending “ACBI-IFCC TFYS” Young Scientist Award- 2015








 TFYS At Abicon 2015























Quito (EC), 24-26 September 2015

Click here to read the report









  The Opening Ceremony

El Microscopio, the Web Radio















Webinar organized by the
Croatian Society for Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CSMBLM)

on 17th September 2015















Workshop at IFCC Euromedlab Paris (FR) on Monday 22 June 2015

Workforce Preparation- Invitation to Contribute








The TF-YS Workshop was attended by 30 young scientists (YS) from around the world. The session was moderated by Dr. Graham Beastall (IFCC Past President). Click here to download the report.








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The TF-YS meeting in Paris during the EuroMedLab Congress, 21-25 June 2015








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 The TF-YS session in Paris during the EuroMedLab Congress, 21-25 June 2015















IFCC Euromedlab Paris on 23 June 2015

Collaborating Industry with Research & Laboratory-two sides of the same coin "HAVE YOUR SAY"








Date: Tuesday, June 23rd 2015








Time: 12.30 - 14.30








Room: Room Maillot 2








Venue: Le Palais des Congrès, 2 Place de la Porte Maillot, F-75853 Paris - Cedex 17,  France








Chairperson: Dr. Pradeep Dabla, Chair of IFCC Task Force Young Scientists (TF-YS)   















IFCC Euromedlab Paris on 23 June 2015

"The Youth EuroMedLab network"








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 The TF-YS members at the Social evening on the Bateau Mouche in Paris
on occasion of the EuroMedLab Congress, 21-25 June 2015























Interviews with El Microscopio, May 2015

Listen  to the interviews at the "El Microscopio" radio: and following link:








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AFCC Congress, Harare, (ZW) 29 April 2015

Summary Report of AFCC-IFCC TFYS session

 Click here to download the report























IFCC Euromedlab Congress, Paris (FR),

June 21-25 2015








See a short movie about the TF-YS and the next EuroMedLab Congress, taking place in Paris in June 2015!























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IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists (TF-YS)
at IFCC WorldLab in Istanbul (TR) - June 2014








2014 06 22 TF YS in Istanbul.JPG








The TF-YS members meeting in Istanbul during the WorldLab Congress, 21-26 June 2014























 ACBICON-2014, Jodhpur, (IN)

Educational Symposium








The TF Young Scientists session was landmark in its own. Following it, IFCC & APFCB Senior members volunteered to write a guide to "Writing Research Activities and projects for YS"








Click here to read the article appeared on the IFCC eNews on the Young Scientists contribution
















The TF-YS members meeting in Jodhpur during ABICON 2014









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