Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide



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Lab-Surfing is a Laboratory professional social media designed and created in order to fulfill the unattended needs of Young Scientists (YS). Results from a global survey showed communication and exchange programme deficits for young scientists. During the current era of continuously evolving professions with upcoming technologies and methods, exchange programme and communication proved to be essential for young laboratorians. Information and communication technologies (ICT´s) are an easy and efficient way to connect people from all around the globe. Thus, willing to address these needs the IFCC-TFYS came with the idea of creating a professional social media exclusively for Young Laboratory Medicine Scientists, and named it as Lab Surfing.

Principal Aims:

  • Connect YS from all around the world
  • Improve communication among scientists
  • Create a fast and easy way to find YS anywhere in the world
  • Improve networking and cooperation among world colleagues
  • Develop scientific projects with colleagues from other regions
  • Make exchange programme easier

Secondary aims:

  • Increase IFCC visibility in developing countries
  • Improve Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine in hospitals with YS
  • Denote the important role of YS in Laboratory Medicine
  • Make a better use of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s)


In order to expand and develop the YS online group, we have created a professional social media system (website) where YS can help each other to grow and expand their horizons in our profession. Please examine and then promote the Lab Surfing to members, and especially YS, in your society or company.



Website developed by Insoft