Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

TF YS Research Guide

A guide to conducting research in
laboratory medicine

by Graham Beastall, Pradeep Kumar Dabla,
Endang Hoyaranda, Ferry Sandra, Vanessa Steenkamp

Research Guide Cover

The aim of this publication is to provide insight into the research process and an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of different research methods to young scientists at various levels of their profession and career. This book is ‘nectar’ of the experience of well renowned scientists of leading healthcare organisations sharing their overall vision related to research methodology.

The contents of the Guide are divided into a total ten chapters including this introduction. The titles are well designed and elaborated from “Why is research in laboratory medicine Important? to “Auditing of research and planning for the future”.

The publication provides answers to the following questions:

  • What is research and its methodology?
  • How it is submitted and what requirements are essential?
  • How is research evaluation organised and practised?
  • What are the various ways of presenting research findings?
  • How should research be audited to plan for the future?

The target audience is: Young scientists; Laboratorians; Clinical chemists; and Pathologists together with any others at an early stage of research in laboratory medicine.


Click here to download the full ebook or on the following links to access the single Chapters




1 Introduction to the research guide                                              Pradeep Dabla  
2 Why is research in laboratory medicine important?     Graham Beastall        
3 Choosing a suitable research project      Graham Beastall
4 Reading and evaluating the scientific literature Vanessa Steenkamp
5 Formulating a research plan        Graham Beastall
6 Submitting a research proposal for external approval and funding Graham Beastall
7 Conducting research investigations and analysing findings Graham Beastall
8 Writing research papers for publication Endang Hoyaranda and Ferry Sandra
9 Delivering research findings as oral or poster presentations Vanessa Steenkamp
10 Auditing research and planning for the future Graham Beastall


The "Guide to Conducting Research in Laboratory Medicine" is also available as a series of webinars that are accessible via the IFCC eAcademy at the following link

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