Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Forthcoming Activities

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“IFCC Young Scientists FORUM”

Click here to download the programme 

in conjunction with IFCC WorldLab Seoul 2022

26 - 30 June 2022  - Coex, Seoul, Korea

Young Scientists (YS) are the future of laboratory medicine and comprise the major workforce of laboratory professionals. Future leaders need to be trained and encouraged to succeed in their role, ideally with the support of experienced leaders. To make this feasible, YS must have activities that encourage their participation, offer opportunities of training and improve communication and networking. 

In order to achieve these aims, IFCC Executive Board has approved an initiative entitled “IFCC Young Scientists FORUM” to be held just ahead of and in conjunction with the WorldLab 2022 Congress in Seoul, Korea.

The scientific program at the FORUM will provide the young scientists an excellent opportunity and open discussion platform for a scientific and personal experience, exchanging ideas with colleagues and establishing new acquaintances. Young Scientists will present and discuss their activities in laboratory medicine, benefit from career skills development. Following the FORUM, the participants will attend the Worldlab Congress to be held in Seoul, Korea from 26th to 30th June 2022.

YSF grants will cover travel and accommodation expenses of the selected participants with a lump sum corresponding to EUR 1.500. Young Scientists can apply if fulfilling the selection criteria indicated in the application form. 

Young Scientists interested in applying should contact their National Representative (see IFCC Full and Affiliate members Representatives contacts at to obtain all necessary information. 

Organizing Committee:

Task Force for Young Scientists: Santiago Fares Taie (AR); Giulia Sancesario (IT); Joe El-Khoury (US); Ashlin Rampul (ZA); Intanti W. Masfufa (ID); Claudia Imperiali (ES).

IFCC Young Scientist FORUM (YSF) Consultant: Tomris Ozben (TR).

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The IFCC TF YS is pleased to announce that the APFCB Organizing Committee planned
a FREE workshop

"Building Tomorrow's leaders by the young generation (IFCC-CCLM / IFCC-TFYS)"

17 Nov 2019, from 2pm to 5 pm

for Young Scientists who are registered with the Congress

Click here for more details

see below table for complete overview of YS activities

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 Click on above logo to download the Congress programme


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Biochemical Genetics in Functional Diagnosis and
Monitoring of Inborn Errors of Metabolism

The IFCC Task Force Young Scientists would like to invite you to our ninth educational webinar for scientists and laboratorians, brought to you by the IFCC Task Force Young Scientists. This educational program focuses on the biochemical genetics in diagnosis and monitoring of inborn errors of metabolism.

Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) are a large and heterogeneous group of genetic diseases. In most of these conditions, the presence of variants in specific genes leads to enzyme deficiencies that affect a particular metabolic step. For the majority of IEM, early diagnosis prevents the onset of severe clinical symptoms, thus reducing morbidity and mortality. This webinar will help us to understand better the different lab diagnostic approaches and latest techniques available.

Monday, November 4th, 2019- 6:00 a.m. PST, USA

Paris, France
New York
Cape Town
South Africa

Monday, November 4th, 2019
3:00 PM

Monday, November 4th, 2019
9:00 AM

Monday, November 4th, 2019
3:00 PM

Monday, November 4th, 2019
9:00 PM


Program Agenda

Presentation Title: “Biochemical Genetics in Diagnosis and Monitoring of Inborn Errors of Metabolism”


Khosrow Adeli PhD, FCACB, DABCC

Head and Professor, Clinical Biochemistry, Paediatric Laboratory Medicine
Senior Scientist, Molecular Medicine, Research Institute
The Hospital for Sick Children/University of Toronto, Canada



Dr. Pradeep K. Dabla, Professor, MD

Dept of Biochemistry,
G.B.Pant Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (GIPMER), Associated to MAMC, Delhi, India

Click Here to Register to the Complimentary Webinar

or visit

Brought to you by IFCC TFYS/IFCC Task Force Young Scientists

For inquiries, please email:


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IFCC-TFYS Symposium 2018

Next Steps in Lab Medicine of the Future – Young Specialists & Technology

25th Oct, 2018 11.30 AM - 01.00 PM


 - Prof. Abbas Ali Mahdi, President ACBI

 - Prof. Howard Morris, President IFCC

 - Dr. Pradeep K Dabla

Identification of Need

Chairpersons: Prof. Howard Morris, Prof. Abbas Ali Mahdi, Dr. Pradeep K Dabla

State of Major Transformations in Healthcare & Medical Laboratory

 - Prof. Praveen Sharma, EB-ACBI, APFCB, IFCC

Innovations & Skills – Advancing New Delivery Systems

 - Prof. Damien Gruson, EurSpeLM & Consultant IFCC-TFYS

Laboratory Medicine Vs. Clinical Medicine - Interface Linking

 - Dr. Pradeep K. Dabla, Chair IFCC-TFYS

Education & Training Programmes Opportunities – Preparing Young Scientists

 - Dr. Danni Li, IFCC-TFYS & Dir Clinical Chemistry, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview, USA

Round Table Discussion & Exchange

Closing Remarks & Vote of Thanks



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Panhellenic Conferences - 16th Panhellenic Congress of Clinical Chemistry
Hellenic Society for Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry
11 - 13 October 2018,  Astir Hotel Egnatia Alexandroupolis (GR)

Symposium: IFCC Task Force Young Scientists

“Young Scientists in the field of Laboratory Medicine”

Saturday, October 13th, 2018 - 16:00-17:30

Moderator: E. Konsta, Chemist, MSc in Clinical Chemistry, PhD, EuSpLM, Scientific Assistant in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Caring Professions, University of West Attica

16:00-16:30 Education and application of Clinical chemistry in Sweden
- Kompogiannis, Biomedical Sciences Student, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece

16:30-17:00 Discovering the post-transcriptional regulation of HLA class I APM components and its clinical relevance in melanoma as a PhD student in Germany
- Lazaridou Chemist, MSc in Clinical Chemistry, PhD Candidate in Institute for medical immunology, Halle (Saale), Germany

17:00-17:30 Succeeding as a young scientist
- Velts, MSc Gene Technology, Head of Laboratory at West Tallinn Central Hospital, Tallinn, Estonia


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IFCC TF- YS Symposium at 
 ACBICON - 4-6 Dec 2017, KGMC, Lucknow, India

Leadership Skills: Essential for Career & Organisational Success

Prof Maurizio Ferrari (President IFCC)
Dr Bernard Gouget (IFCC NC Chair)


Preparing for Leadership: new challenges and responsibilities   
Prof Howard Morris (President Elect, IFCC)

Developing Strong Presence for Women 
Prof Tomris Ozben (Treasurer, IFCC)

Critical Thinking: Building Good Judgement
Dr Praveen Sharma (Chief Editor IJCB & EB-ACBI, APFCB)

Leadership & Team Development: Success Toghether 
Dr. Pradeep K Dabla (Chair, IFCC TF-YS)


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ACBI-IFCC TFYS Awards 2017:

The ACBI-IFCC TF-YS Awards were novel idea of joint efforts of ACBI & IFCC-TFYS. So, this 3rd Award competition is chosen to provide young researchers an opportunity to focus on and develop interest in « Research ». The ultimate aim of this program is to foster and secure excellent young researchers since ACBICON-2015.

5 Young Scientists (YS's) will be selected on to the basis of original papers submitted and be given oral presentation in award session.  They will be granted cash Rs.5000/- & Certificate as award with the kind support of Congress Organising Committee. 

For instructions to apply please visit the page at:


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IFCC WorldLab 2017- Durban (ZA)
October 22-25, 2017


The IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists invites you to attend Symposium 14 

Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 10:45-12:15



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June 11-15, 2017

2017 06 Logo EML_Athens.jpg

Call for Volunteers

The EuroMedLab 2017 Congress Organizing Committee promotes a volunteer programme for young scientists attending the 22nd IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine - EuroMedLab 2017 to be held in Athens on 11-15 June 2017.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, get connected, and network with scientists and professionals dedicated to the various aspects of clinical chemistry. In addition, selected volunteers can gain practical experience in conference organisational aspects. The selected recipients will receive free congress registration and a Certificate of Assistance & Attendance, kindly offered by the Congress Organizing Committee.

Eligible candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. Young participants (≤ 40yr at the date of the conference)
  2. Being member in an IFCC/EFLM Member Society

All applicants must submit the application form (click here to download the form) and accompany it by the following documentation:

  • ID or Passport Copy
  • Document proving the membership in the National Society

Applications have to be sent to by February 18th, 2017


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14th Asia–Pacific  Federation for Clinical Biochemistry
and Laboratory Medicine Congress


Taipei (Taiwan) - 26-29 November 2016

The IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists invites you to participate to the APFCB Congress and particurlarly to the YS session

IFCC-TFYS Preparing Young Scientists Workforce

Sunday, November 27, 2016 -Pacific Business Center Hotel Room D - h 9:00AM-11:00AM

Pradeep Kumar Dabla (IN)
Danni Li (US)
Santiago Fares Taie (AS)
Guilaine Boursier (FR)
Damien Gruson (BE)
Graham Beastall (GB)

Download here the APFCB Scientific Programme at a glance

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Mangalore (IN)
12-15 December 2016

Dr. TMA Pai International Convention Centre, MG Road - Mangalore

The IFCC Task Force Young Scientists is happy to present its ACBI - IFCC TFYS Award 2016.  The Award will grant 3 nights accommodation, travel expenses and free registration to the conference.

Click here to download the leaflet

Click here for further information on the ACBI - IFCC TFYS Award

Deadline to apply: 2nd October, 2016

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ACBI - IFCC TF YS CME 2016 Career Opportunities for Young Scientists

12th Dec 2016, 9 am to 5 pm

The IFCC-TFYS is organizing educational sessions/ workshops/symposium every year in National Conference ACBICON since 2010. This year the theme of IFCC-TFYS CME will be "Career Opportunities for Young Scientists". It will be held on Preconference Day CME,  12th Dec 2016 Time: 9 am to 5 pm 

Topics that will be covered during the workshop:

  • Different Career Opportunities for Young Scientists
  • Research Opportunities
  • Biotechnology Industry & Pharmaceutical Career
  • Teaching and Academics Opportunities
  • Laboratory Service Delivery
  • Publishers & Medical writing Career

Click here to have full details on the ACBI- IFCC-TFYS CME

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ACCN- IFCC TFYS Session, Lagos, 2016

on occasion of the 6th Scientific Conference of the Association of Clinical Chemists of Nigeria
Towards Sustainable Clinical Chemistry Practice for the Nation.


12th-14th October, 2016
Medical Research Centre, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

TF YS is organizing two sessions:

Session 1: 12 October 2016

Identification of Needs

Session 2: 14 October 2016 -

Education and Networking

click here to download the TF YS Sessions programme

click here to register to the conference

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YS AMBI Conference
28-30 July 2016 

Taj Banjara Road No:1, Banjara Hills

Hyderabad (IN)

Association of Medical Biochemists of India - AMBI, under the flag of IFCC TASK FORCE for YOUNG SCIENTISTS is organising its first ever conference of YS on 28th, 29th, 30th July 2016 at Hyderabad.

For logistic reasons the conference will be held twice, in North and South India respectively.
North CME will be organized by Dr. Jasbinder Kaur in Chandigrah in early 2017.

For more information, kindly visit:  YS AMBI-2016 – CONFERENCE


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ZACB - IFCC TFYS Session, 2016

Young Scientists are cordially invited to attend the Scientific session on

“Scientific Research Writing”


The Rainbow Towers Hotel and Conference Center

during the 14th ZACBLabMed 2016 National Annual Workshop
FREE registration to all Young Scientists


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Congreso Nacional de Residentes Bioquimicos
18-20 Mayo 2016 - Buenos Aires (AR)

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WASPaLM-2015, 18-21 Nov, Cancun, Mexico

WASPaLM-IFCC joint activity

Clinical Pathology & laboratory Medicine Courses, 18 November, 08.00-11.00
 | Young specialists in laboratory medicine of future - Preparing together. IFCC-WASPaLM TF on YS

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ACBICON-2015, 25-28 Nov, Chandigarh, India

ABICON Leaflet

1. Medical Writing CME: on Pre-Conference day, 25 Nov 2015

2. ACBI-IFCC TFYS Siemens Young Scientists Award-2015: Longtime awaited initiative to provide young researchers an opportunity to focus on and develop interest in « Research ». The ultimate aim of this program is to foster and secure excellent young researchers. Fulfilling one of  the objectives of TFYS.

Click here to download the programme and the Award application form


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