Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide


One of the aims of the Task Force Young Scientists (TF-YS) is to develop and provide educational material for the use of Young Scientist members of the IFCC.

Research as a Career: A Perspective From Young Scientists

by Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dabla
Chair, IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists

IFCC General Conference, Madrid, (SP) - 20 March 2016



Webinar organized by the
Croatian Society for Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CSMBLM)

Dear all,
we are delighted to present you the webinar organized by the Croatian Society for Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CSMBLM) in collaboration with the IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists (TFYS), held on September 17th 2015 entitled:

  • "Meet the IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists" - presenter: dr. Pradeep Kumar Dabla, Chair of the IFCC TFYS (in English)
  • "Report from the 21st EuroMedLab Congress" - presenters: Lora Dukic and Anja Jokic, members of the CSMBLM (in Croatian).

Tune into the webinar and learn about the IFCC TFYS aims, mission, activities and future goals that are presented to you by the Chair of the Task Force, dr. Pradeep Kumar Dabla. For all of you who understand Croatian, listen to the interesting topics presented by colleagues who received the CSMBLM Scholarship for the 21st EuroMedLab Congress in Paris - MSc Dukic presented her poster abstract entitled "Increased frequency of duplicate errors for LD IFCC method on the Abbott Architect and Li-heparin plasma relative to serum samples," and MSc Jokic presented an interesting topic "Level of education on pre-analytical phase of laboratory testing in the population of biomedical students at the University of Zagreb, Croatia - a cross-sectional survey."
You may listen to the webinar recording at the following link:

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You can find an interactive introduction to the Task Force Aims at

The TF-YS has also developed a series of webinars from the Cardiac Markers Round Table held in Belgium. The webinar and other educational material can be obtained from the Education and Management Division webinars page.

Reimbursement of Innovative Technologies - link to the materials of our TFYS / EDMA joint session:

The proceedings of a meeting between the TF-YS and EFLM can be obtained by clicking on this link.

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