Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Public Relations Resources

The following Public Relations resources have been made available by the Committee for Public Relations (C-PR):


IFCC Brochure

This brochure introduces the IFCC and its international and institutional activities, publicizing the IFCC and its mandate.

The IFCC brochure is also available in Spanish. Other local versions of the IFCC brochure can be made available on request.

IFCC Corporate Membership Brochure

This brochure introduces IFCC and the benefits of Corporate Membership in IFCC.


PR icon

IFCC Public Relations Brochure
This brochure is targeted at the general public, introducing the critical role of Clinical Chemistry
and Laboratory Medicine in optimal delivery of healthcare, its key professionals and the
leadership in the practice of clinical chemistry and clinical laboratory medicine through service,
education and research provided by IFCC, the unifying organization for laboratory scientists worldwide. 

PR Spanish icon

The IFCC PR brochure is also available in Spanish.

Follow IFCC on Social Media

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Slide Sets

IFCC Slides
A set of slides that introduce the IFCC and its divisional activities, for use at member society meetings to promote the IFCC organization.

IFCC PR Slides - Understanding Laboratory Medicine
The set of slides is targetted at the general public, introducing the critical role of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine in optimal delivery of healthcare, its key professionals and the leadership in the practice of clinical chemistry and clinical laboratory medicine. The full cycle of sample management, and a few practical examples are described for a better understanding of the discipline. Available also in Spanish and in Hungarian.

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