Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Public Relations (C-PR)


Name Position Country Term Time in Office
R. Erasmus Chair  ZA 2nd  2022 01 - 2024 12
E.O. Agbedana Member NG 2nd 2020 01 - 2022 12
MdC Pasquel Carrera Member EC 1st 2021 01 - 2023 12 
K. Patel Member US 1st 2020 11 - 2023 12
P. Vervaart Member  AU 2nd  2022 01 - 2024 12
C. Grigore Corr. Member RO
A. Karabulut Corr. Member TR
R. Lichtinghagen Corr. Member DE
C. Oleschuk Corr. Member CA
M.E. Shroeder Corr. Member UY
R. Stonys Corr. Member LT
M. Spalvieri Consultant AR
T. Ravalico Consultant US
To be nominated Advisor AFCB
A.B. Okesina Advisor AFCC
E. Hoyaranda Advisor APFCB
H. Fares Taie Advisor COLABIOCLI
D. Rajdl Advisor EFLM
D. Kinniburgh Advisor NAFCC

Terms of Reference

The chair of the C-PR is a member of the CPD Executive Committee. The C-PR's mandates are to:

  • Assist the IFCC in promoting internationally the Organization to National Professional Associations, and the discipline of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine to the lay public and decision makers
  • Coordinate PR activities of the various IFCC units.

The PR Committee is composed the Chair, 4 members from IFCC Member countries representing one major region of the world, Corresponding members and IFCC Regional Federation Representatives, acting as Advisors. The main objectives of this committee and its members are to:

  • Identify key PR tools and make recommendations to the CPD, other divisions and/or EB
  • Develop and update promotional materials, through the CPD, on the IFCC organization and activities, as well as the discipline of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine for distribution worldwide.
  • Act as a link for distribution of IFCC brochures and other promotion material to all laboratory professionals in their country of residence, National Societies, and Regional Federations where it applies.
  • Assist IFCC in improving its visibility to all laboratory professionals in their country of residence, their respective National Societies and Regional Federations where it applies.
  • Act as IFCC ambassadors by promoting IFCC and the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine to laboratory professionals in their respective country of residence, their National Societies and Regional Federations where it applies.
  • To  promote IFCC activities to National Representatives on a regular basis through the use of social media tools (eg WhatsApp/Telegram groups) such that these communications can be effectively communicated to their respective members.
  • To monitor how effectively are IFCC communications being shared by the National Representatives with their respective members.

Promote the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine to the lay public, healthcare administrators and decision makers in their respective country of residence.

Another key activity of the C-PR has been the development of promotional material which can be used by members to promote the IFCC and its activities to the Laboratory Medicine Community and the general public. A promotional slide set and a number of brochures (in multiple languages) are available for download from the Public Relations Resources Page of the website, including:

  • A slide set that introduces the IFCC and its divisional activities, for use at member society meetings. This slide set is available to all PR committee members and all IFCC member countries for future presentations at local, regional, and international conferences, to promote the IFCC organization.
  • An information brochure which introduces the the IFCC and its international and institutional activities, publicizing the IFCC and its mandate.
  • A corporate PR Brochure which introduces the IFCC and the benefits of Corporate Membership.
  • A PR brochure aimed at the general public which describes the critical role of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine in optimal delivery of healthcare, its key professionals and the leadership in the practice of clinical chemistry and clinical laboratory medicine through service, education and research provided by IFCC, the unifying organization for laboratory scientists worldwide.

Current and Future PR plans:

  • Develop a new PR brochure targeted to the general public, governments, industry, etc.
  • Establish a communication process among PR committee members and regional federation representative so the joint team can most effectively update and work on agreed upon activities and initiatives
  • Prepare and make formal presentations at local and regional conferences
  • Work with the SD to promote IFCC as the global coordinator of Laboratory Practice Guidelines
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