Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

7. Big Data Tools in COVID-19

Disclaimer: This collection of resources on this webpage reflects a rapidly changing situation and due to the need for quick answers during the COVID-19 pandemic, we acknowledge that most fast-tracked publications are based on observations, often on a small number of cases, which would be considered as preliminary evidence. The IFCC Task Force has not critically appraised all resources cited here for scientific validity but tried to present information that is believed to help laboratory professionals in formulating their local policies in a more informed manner. The interim advice or conclusions presented here may change as more information is gathered.



See below list of Publications on Big Data Tools in COVID-19

  1. COVID-19 Challenges & Directions. An index of fine-grained difficulties, limitations, uncertainties and hypotheses, initial signals and future directions extracted from scientific literature related to COVID-19




  1. COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19): A freely available, downloadable and updated weekly collection of publications (many as full text) on COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, and related coronaviruses
  2. World Health Organization: Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Registry 
  3. LITCOVID: National Institutes of Health and the National Library of Medicine aggregation of COVID-19 general information and news. 
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Research Articles Downloadable Database: The Stephen B. Thacker CDC Library is collecting COVID-19 research articles and compiling them into an easily accessible and downloadable database to help researchers find the latest COVID-19 research
  5. COVIDView: A Weekly Surveillance Summary of U.S. COVID-19 Activity provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
  6. Mark Tech Post: COVID-19 resources for machine learning and data science research (lists 29 different datasets)
  7. Larson T, Culbreath K, Chavez D, Larson R, Crossey M, Grenache DG. Modeling SARS-CoV-2 positivity using laboratory data: timing is everything. Clinical Chemistry. 2020 Apr 30. PMID: 32353116


Machine learning tools:

  1. WELL AI: COVID-19 Machine Learning Analytics for Researchers 
  2. SciSightSciSight is a tool for exploring associations between concepts appearing in the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset.
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