Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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eJIFCC Vol 29 n°4

Published: Sunday, January 20, 2019

eJIFCC Volume 29 no 4 - 2018

In this issue: Laboratory medicine – meeting the needs of Mediterranean nations (Part 2)
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Click here to download a PDF of the full issue.
1 Foreword from the editor-in-chief
János Kappelmayer
Improving efficiency in laboratory medicine
2 Traceability in laboratory medicine: what is it and why is it important for patients?
Graham H. Beastall
3 Laboratory medicine in Palestine
Rania Abu Seir, Osama Najjar
4 Inter-laboratory comparisons and EQA in the Mediterranean area
Alexander Haliassos
5 An evidence-based laboratory medicine approach to evaluate new laboratory tests
Tommaso Trenti
6 Which skills are needed and how they should be gained by laboratory medicine professionals for successful ISO 15189 accreditation
Diler Aslan
Perinatal and pregnancy laboratory medicine
7 Prenatal screening for chromosomal abnormalities: where do we stand today in Mediterranean countries?
Demetrios Rizos
8 The role of laboratory medicine for health during pregnancy
Adnan Alkhatib
Mediterranean diet and the area’s specific diseases
9 Alcohol abuse
Tomáš Zima
10 Urinary proteomics in biomarker discovery of kidney-related disorders: diabetic nephropathy and drug-induced nephrotoxicity in chronic headache
Elisa Bellei, Emanuela Monari, Stefania Bergamini, Luigi Alberto Pini, Aldo Tomasi, Tomris Ozben
11 Standardization of the HbA2 assay
Renata Paleari, Andrea Mosca
12 Surrogate biomarkers for monitoring healthcare quality for chronic diseases such as diabetes care
Diler Aslan
13 The role of laboratory medicine in addressing migrant health problems
Adekunle Bashiru Okesina, Ademola Adelekan


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