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IFCC eNews No 8, September 2018

Published: Tuesday, September 18, 2018


IFCC eNews: September 2018     

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  • WG-Vit D: a new IFCC Working Group on Vitamin D Standardization Program
  • IFCC welcomes two new Affiliate members from France and Kazakhstan
    • LABAC: new IFCC/EFLM affiliate member from France
    • FLM: new affiliate member from Kazakhstan
  • eJIFCC archive fully available in the new format on the IFCC website
  • IFCC TF-YS Survey: YS training & career
  • HIV/AIDS epidemics: between successes and fears
  • Meeting of the WG-IANT in Guatemala
  • Clinical Chemistry Trainee Council: podcasts
  • 27th International CPOCT Symposium
    • South Africa: the Annual Meeting of SAACB
    • Pakistan: Workshop on Quality Control at NIBD hospital in Karachi
    • News from the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia
    • XVI Conference of the Scientific Committee of the SEQCML
    • Ibero-American Symposium of Clinical Chemistry and Expolab
    • XXXVI Nordic Congress in Clinical Chemistry
    • News from the “Société Tunisienne de Biologie Clinique” (STBC)
    • Palestine sets the tone at the joint “IPCLM-10-AFCB-15” Conference
    • The EFLM Professional Committee
    • Joint EFLM-COLABIOCLI Recommendation for venous blood sampling
  • IFCC PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC EXCHANGE PROGRAMME (PSEP) - My experience at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York
  • IFCC - Roche Travel Scholarship reports
  • IFCC's Calendar of Congresses, Conferences & Events
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