Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Committee on Mobile Health and Bioengineering in Laboratory Medicine (C-MHBLM)

C-MBHLM members during their 28th May, 2020 Zoom meeting 

L-R, T-B: B. Gouget, Committee Chair, Silvia Colli Lanzi, IFCC Office, K. Kotani, Member, A. Füzéry, Corr. Member,
D. Gruson, EC Liaison, A. Gammie, Corp. Corr Member, PK Dabla, Corr Member, J. Wallemacq, Corp. Corr Member,
S. Stankovic, Corr Member, RA Khalil, YS Corr Member, F. Desiere, Corp Member, J Nichols, Member


Name Position Country Term Time in Office
B. Gouget Chair FR 2nd 2021 01 - 2023 12
K. Kotani Member JP 2nd 2022 01 - 2024 12
J. Nichols Member US 2nd 2022 01 - 2024 12
F. Desiere Member-Roche DE 2nd 2022 01 - 2024 12
M. Heydlauf Member-Siemens US 2nd 2022 01 - 2024 12
D. Gruson EC Liaison BE    


Mobile health technologies are part of the current transformation of healthcare and refer to digital applications, sensors and wearables. Mobile health technologies are more and more used for patients’ continuous care and empowerment.

Mobile health technologies also appear as an opportunity to create more junctions with healthcare professionals and dynamic care pathways for the management of patients with chronic conditions.

The engineering, evaluation and validation of sensors and wearables is mandatory to ensure patients safety and have to involved different caregivers (laboratorians, physicians, nurses, pharmacists…). In another hand, digital applications and connected devices leverage additional challenges such as secured data transfer to electronic medical records and interoperability as well as meeting the requirements of user (user experience).

Specific focus should also be given to the connectivity with new laboratory informatics interfaces and new generations of hospital informatics systems as well as the powerful applications of artificial intelligence to laboratory medicine.

Terms of reference of the C-MHBLM

  1. To review the current concepts of e-Health including broadband connectivity, software, digital networking, big data, mobile connectivity, smart infrastructure and even artificial intelligence to support the delivery of health and medical care for individuals and communities.
  2. To promote the potential of e-health and m-health in laboratory medicine to improve service delivery for patients including more cost effective models of care, remote monitoring, improved access even over large distances and rapid data analyses and generation of knowledge.
  3. To establish collaborations and partnerships with the other organizations concerned with e- Health /m-health and clinical societies and international organizations/bodies.
  4. To promote an environment where digitally enabled and integrated systems help specialists in laboratory medicine to deliver patient-centered health experiences and quality health outcomes.


List of Corresponding Members, nominated by National Societies

Name Full and Affiliate Member Societies
Irena Korita Albanian Society of Clinical biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (ASoLaM)
Ramy Khalil * Egyptian Association of Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety (EAHQPS)
Pradeep K Dabla Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (ACBI)
Sanja Stankovic Serbian Society for Clinical Laboratory Medicine and Science (SCLM)
Evgenija Homsak Slovenian Association from Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (SZKKLM)
Zihni Onur Uygun Turkish Biochemical Society (TBS)
Neil Anderson The Association for Clinical Biochemistry & Laboratory Medicine (ACB) UK

* Young Scientist

List of Corresponding Members, nominated by Corporate Members

Name Corporate Member
Julien Wallemacq Abbott
Alistair Gammie Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.

List of Consultants

Name Corporate Member
Juergen Becker Quidel

Committee Chair's contact

Dr. Bernard GOUGET
President-Healthcare Division Committee
Comité Français d’accréditation (Cofrac)
75012 Paris - France

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