Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

C-CLM Roles and Responsibilities


Full members bear the primary responsibility for carrying out the C-CLM’s overall mission. To discharge this responsibility requires not only knowledge in the appropriate disciplines, but also a commitment to high standards, a considerable breadth of interest and receptivity to new ideas, a strong sense of fairness, good judgement, excellent communication skills (both oral and written), and a high degree of personal integrity.

Individual committee members are responsible for:

·         Reporting back on tasks and activities of the C-CLM to the chairperson of C-CLM

·         Attending all scheduled committee meetings

·         Sharing all communications and information across the committee members

·         Making timely decisions and taking actions so as to not hold up the tasks and projects

·         Notifying members of the C-CLM, as soon as practical, if any matter arises which may be deemed to affect the development of a task or project

Members of the C-CLM will expect:

·         That each member will be provided with complete, accurate and meaningful information in a timely manner

·         To be given reasonable time to make decisions

·         To be alerted to potential risks and issues that could impact the task or project, as they arise


·         The C-CLM full members review the relevance and value of committee work and the terms of reference on an annual basis.

Working Methods

  • Effective written communication through electronic mail are adopted to working. 

Committee Meetings

  • C-CLM are convened at the face-to-face meeting during the IFCC conference or congress. At least one teleconference is held each year.
  • If required, subgroup meetings will be arranged outside of these times at a time convenient to subgroup members.
  • Chairperson of C-CLM will organize and chair the committee meetings.
  • Chairperson of C-CLM will generate topics for the agenda of meetings in discussion with the full members of C-CLM.
  • Meeting papers will be circulated, by email, at least one week in advance of meetings.
  • The format of face-to-face meeting include 60 to 90 minutes with overview and discussion parts.  Teleconference is held for 45 to 60 minutes.  A volunteer member provides secretariat for the group.
  • Corresponding members are invited to join face-to-face meeting at the IFCC conference or congress.
  • Decisions are made by consensus. If not possible, chairperson of C-CLM makes final decision.
  • Meeting minutes will be provided by the chairperson, this includes preparing meeting notes and information.

Sharing of Information and Resources (including confidential materials)

  • Full and corresponding members will be able to share information and resources through electronic mail, committee meetings and the C-CLM web page.
  • It is each member’s responsibility to make it clear if where a matter shall remain confidential and not for discussion outside the committee.
  • When sharing documents, members should make it clear if there is a restriction as to:
    • Circulation of the documents beyond the C-CLM
    • Copyright/use of the contents
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