Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

C-CLM Terms of Reference



The C-CLM promotes good management practices in clinical laboratories. The committee’s mandate is to produce monographs and/or guides on basic clinical laboratory management, quality requirements recognized in major quality management guidelines and to offer training modules, seminars, workshops and expertise to laboratory professionals whose purpose is to define organizational structure and carry out crucial activities necessary to achieve quality in routine clinical laboratory services. The committee aims to produce standardized workshop material for basic and advanced management courses. The committee also focuses on addressing the challenges and needs of clinical laboratories in developing countries who have the aim to continually improve towards ensuring patient safety and/or to meet accreditation standards.

To fulfill this purpose the committee participates in the following activities:

  1. Promotes the development of clinical laboratory leaders focusing on skills in:
    1. Laboratory Leadership
    2. Team Management
    3. Laboratory Workload Planning
    4. Goal Setting
    5. Strategic Planning and Gap Analysis
    6. Financial Management
    7. Quality Management & Continuous Quality Improvement
    8. Quality Tools and Methods
    9. Risk Management
    10. Project Management
    11. Test Utilization Management
    12. Motivating Staff and Human Resource Management
    13. Culture of Quality
    14. Customer Focus and Patient Safety
  2. Produces educational and training materials on laboratory leadership in the form of:
    1. Publications including monographs, handbooks, and guides.
    2. Workshops
    3. Seminars
    4. Courses
  3. Provides learning resources on topics related to clinical laboratory management.
  4. Collaborates with other IFCC committees, workgroups, and task forces in the above activities.
  5. Administers surveys on specific areas of laboratory management, and establishes a database and plans for preparation of new educational materials based on the results obtained from survey activities.

Amendment, Modification or Variation

These terms of reference may be amended, varied or modified in writing after consultation and agreement by the full members of C-CLM.

Related Policies/By-laws

For other information pertaining to C-CLM please consult the following:


C-CLM Terms of Reference and Working Methods

Revised and approved May 2016

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