Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

IFCC Celebrates 70 years - Greetings






Happy Birthday IFCC!

See below nice Videos for the IFCC anniversary!

(click on the photos or on the links to see the videos)

The Sociedade Brasileira de Analíses Clínicas (SBAC) congratulates the IFCC 

The Sociedad Boliviana de Bioquímica Clínica (SOBOBIOCLI) congratulates the IFCC 

Prof Khosrow Adeli, IFCC President, congratulates the IFCC 

La Confederación Latinoamericana de Bioquímica Clínica (COLABIOCLI) felicita a la IFCC (Spanish)

The Latin American Confederation of Clinical Biochemistry  (COLABIOCLI) congratulates the IFCC (English)

La Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Bioquímica Clínica (SEBIOCLI) felicita a la IFCC (Spanish) 

The Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Bioquímica Clínica (SEBIOCLI) congratulates the IFCC (Spanish)

The Sociedad Española de Medicina de Laboratorio (SEQCML) congratulates the IFCC

The IFCC Working Group Ibero-American Nomenclature and Translations (WG-IANT) congratulates the IFCC  The IFCC Officers and National Representatives of America Latina congratulate the IFCC  The Asociación Bioquímica Uruguaya (ABU) congratulates the IFCC
El Presidente de la Confederación Latinoamericana de Bioquímica Clínica (COLABIOCLI) felicita a la IFCC (Spanish)

Prof Nader Rifai, IFCC EMD Chair, congratulates the IFCC 

 Prof Päivi Laitinen, C-CC Chair, congratulates the IFCC

Prof Adekunle B. Okesina, AFCC Regional Federation Representative in the IFCC Executive Boards, congratulates the IFCC 

 Prof Tomris Ozben, IFCC President Elect, congratulates the IFCC

 Prof Michael Neumaier, IFCC officer and EFLM Past President, congratulates the IFCC 

Prof Endang Hoyaranda, APFCB Vice-President, congratulates the IFCC Dr Rosa Sierra Amor, COLABIOCLI Member and former IFCC EB member, congratulates the IFCC  Dr Katherina Psarra, Editor of IFCC eNews, congratulates the IFCC 
Dr Santiago Fares Taie, Chair of the IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists, IFCC TF-YS, congratulates the IFCC Prof Tahir Pillay, Chair of IFCC Communications and Publications Division, CPD, congratulates the IFCC  Dr Eduardo Mayorga, Presidente de Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Bioquímica Clínica – SEBIOCLI, congratulates the IFCC
Dr Stephen Hill, North American Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (NAFCC) Regional Representative, congratulates the IFCC Mauro Zaniboni, Stefano Montalbetti and Monica Sellari, MZ Events, IFCC PCO, congratulate the IFCC  The IFCC Office Staff congratulate the IFCC 



Click here to see the posters celebrating the IFCC Past Presidents and the current IFCC Executive Board.













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