Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Tool Kit - 4) Conflict of Interest (COI)


Besley JC, Zahry NR, McCright A, Elliott KC, Kaminski NE, Martin JD. Conflict of Interest Mitigation Procedures May Have Little Influence on the Perceived Procedural Fairness of Risk-Related Research. Risk Anal. 2018  DOI: 10.1111/risa.13182

Breimer LH, Nilsson TK, Breimer ME. Declarations of conflict of interest are still inadequate. Indian J Med Ethics. 2018; 3 (3):256-257.

Haque W, Minhajuddin A, Gupta A, Agrawal D. Conflicts of interest of editors of medical journals. PLoS One. 2018; 13(5): e0197141.

Ziai K, Pigazzi A, Smith BR, Nouri-Nikbakht R, Nepomuceno H, Carmichael JC, et al. Association of Compensation From the Surgical and Medical Device Industry to Physicians and Self-declared Conflict of Interest. JAMA Surg. 2018;153(11):997–1002.


Fontanarosa P, Bauchner H. Conflict of Interest and Medical Journals. JAMA 2017;317(17):1768-1771.

Lu Y, Jones DJ, Sharara N, Kaltenbach T, Laine L, McQuaid K, et al. Transparency ethics in practice: Revisiting financial conflicts of interest disclosure forms in clinical practice guidelines. PLoS One. 2017;12(8):e0182856.

McCoy MS, Carniol M, Chockley K, Urwin JW, Emanuel EJ, Schmidt H. Conflicts of Interest for Patient-Advocacy Organizations. N Engl J Med 2017;376(9):880-885.

Rohwer A, Young T, Wager E, Garner P. Authorship, plagiarism and conflict of interest: views and practices from low/middle-income country health researchers. BMJ Open. 2017; 7(11): e018467

The International Society for Laboratory Hematology (ISLH). Conflict of Interest Policy. 2017.


Abramson J, Redberg R. Conflicts of Interest. N Engl J Med 2015; 373(8):778.

Dowden J. Conflict of interest in medical journals. Aust Prescr. 2015; 38(1):2-3.

World Medical Association (WMA). WMA STATEMENT ON CONFLICT OF INTEREST. 2015.

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). COPE consultation/guidance document on handling competing interests. 2015.


Ruff K. Scientific journals and conflict of interest disclosure: what progress has been made? Environ Health. 2015; 14:45.Chew M, Brizzell C, Abbasi K, Godlee F. Medical journals and industry ties. BMJ. 2014; 349: g7197.


Salem DN, Boumil MM. Conflict of Interest in Open-Access Publishing. N Engl J Med 2013; 369(5):491.

Mahajan RP. Conflicts of interest in medical journals. Rev. Colomb. Anestesiol. 2013; 41(3):179–181.


Kesselheim A, Wang B, Studdert DM, Avorn J. Conflict of Interest Reporting by Authors Involved in Promotion of Off-Label Drug Use: An Analysis of Journal Disclosures. PLoS Med. 2012; 9(8): e1001280.


Johson C. Conflict of interest in scientific publications: a historical review and update. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2010; 33(2):81-86.

Annals of Blood (AOB). Conflicts of Interest.

American Society of Hematology (ASH). Conflict of Interest.

Elsevier. Authorship & Conflicts of Interest Statement.

Elsevier. Ethics in Research & Publication.

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest.

Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health. Conflict of Interest Declaration and Author Agreement Form.

Journal of Health & Productivity. Conflict-of-Interest Statement.

Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine. Conflict of Interest. 

Jornal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization. Conflict of interest statement.

Nature – Laboratory investigation. Conflict of Interest.

Springer Ethik in der Medizin. Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. 


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