Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Neonatal Bilirubin (WG-NB) in cooperation with IFCC Emerging Technologies Division - ETD




Name Position Country Term Time in Office
Lindsey Mackay      Co- Chair (SD) AU 1st 2022 10 - 2025 12
Ronda Greaves Co- Chair (ETD) AU 1st 2022 10 - 2025 12
Johanna Camara Member US    
Vincent Delatour Member FR    
Christian Hulzebos Member NL    
Marcel Clemens Schmidt Member DE    
Michael Nelson Member US    
Mercy Thomas Member AU    
Thomas Fisher Observer DE    
Horst Klima  Observer DE    

Terms of Reference

  1. To understand the current status of agreement in neonatal bilirubin determination against clinical decision levels and EQA performance 
  2. To define appropriate performance parameters to ensure fitness for clinical purpose (screening, diagnosing or monitoring)              
  3. To review the availability and appropriateness of current JCTLM listed and other CRMs, RMPs and RMSs, define the appropriate measurand(s) and consider appropriate traceability chains
  4. To periodically review emerging methodologies, their fitness for purpose and recommend solutions to improve comparability and traceability
  5. To collaborate with major manufacturers (from both traditional and near-patient technologies) on neonatal jaundice testing to improve comparability and traceability (where appropriate)
  6. To develop and disseminate publications and educational resources related to neonatal jaundice testing for stakeholders to support best practice


Current Projects

  • Investigate the six terms of reference to inform strategies for improving alignment of neonatal bilirubin
  • Collaboration between the SD and ETD in order to improve the standardisation of neonatal total bilirubin testing for current and emerging tests.


List of Corresponding Members, nominated by National Societies 

Name Full or Affiliate IFCC Society
Tim Lang The Association for Clinical Biochemistry & Laboratory Medicine (ACB)
Tina Yen Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (AACB)


List of Corresponding Members, nominated by Corporate Members 


Corporate Member
Sara Maj Hyldig Matzen RADIOMETER



Working Group Chairs contact

A/Prof. Ronda GREAVES
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Flemington Road
Parkville - Victoria 3052 Australia

Dr Lindsey MACKAY
National Measurement Institute
New South Wales


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