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SD-EC Vice-Chair Konstantinos Makris Biography

Dr. Konstantinos Makris, Ph.D., EurSpLM, FAACC
Clinical Biochemist
Clinical Biochemistry Department
KAT General Hospital
Kifissia, Athens



Konstantinos Makris, graduated in Biology from Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 1981. From 1985 to 2002 he worked in the blood transfusion service of the KAT General Hospital in Athens, Greece. In 1996, he got his PhD in laboratory hematology and transfusion medicine from the Medical School of the University of Patras, Greece, with a research project on transfusion-transmitted hepatitis.

During that period, he participated in the EU funded project SAGUIS (safe and good use of Blood in surgery that investigated the use of blood products and artificial colloids in 43 European hospitals.  He was also invited by the European Commission to participate in several forums entitled “quality management for blood collection, processing and distribution in the European Community” that subsequently led to the development of DIRECTIVE 2002/98/EC who is setting standards of quality and safety for the collection, testing, processing, storage and distribution of human blood and blood components in EU. 

Since 2002, he is working at the Clinical Biochemistry Department of KAT General Hospital. He has been a member of the National and European Registry of Clinical Biochemists since 2003. He is member of Greek Society of Clinical biochemistry and the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC). Since 2015 he is fellow of the Academy of the AACC (former NACB).

His main research interests include discovery and clinical validation of biomarkers for cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, renal and metabolic bone diseases. His current research is focused on the identification and validation of blood biomarkers for diagnosis and differentiation of acute stroke as well as for the prediction and management of post-stroke complications.

He has 46 publications in international peer reviewed Journals 2 chapters and 1 book in the fields of clinical biochemistry, endocrinology, nephrology and transfusion medicine. He has also more than 100 oral and poster presentations in International Congresses, two of them awarded with the distinguished abstract award from the NACB. He participated in the committee for the development of the national guidelines for the “diagnosis and therapeutic approach of osteoporosis” for the Greek Osteoporosis Foundation, and in the committee for the development of national guidelines for the “Evaluation, Treatment, and Prevention of Vitamin D Deficiency in Greece” for the Greek Endocrinology Society. He is also a reviewer for several peer reviewed journals including, JACC, CCLM Clinical Chemistry, Journal of Clinical Densitometry and Journal of Translational Medicine.

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