Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

SD-EC Secretary- Garry John Biography

Prof. Garry JOHN
Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Norwich  NR4 7UY
Tel: +44 01603 286933




Garry John is the new Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Scientific Division (SD).
Garry has held senior positions in UK hospitals for 30 years and has driven change locally and nationally. In addition to leading the Department of Clinical Biochemistry within the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, he has been Clinical Director, Associate Medical Director and Director of Research. He is additionally an Honorary Professor in the Norwich Medical School. Garry has had an influence on scientific work nationally and internationally; he has served on ACB Council and his interest in quality has been demonstrated by his significant involvement in UK EQA Schemes (UKNEQAS and WEQAS).

But most notably Garry has had a long and successful association with the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine; he has chaired three active committees: first a Working Group (WG) on Haemoglobin A1c standardisation, the first WG to fully complete all tasks allocated; then chairing a Task Force on implementation of HbA1c standardisation where he worked closely with manufacturers and professional organisations achieving global standardisation. He also chaired a committee within the Educational Division on Education in the use of Biomarkers in Diabetes. He is widely recognised and respected within the scientific community and has a long experience in delivering results.


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