Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

SD-EC NIBSC Consultant - Chris Burns Biography

Dr. Chris Burns, PhD
Head, Biotherapeutics Division
National Institute for Biological Standards and Control - A Centre of the MHRA


Dr Chris Burns joined NIBSC in 2005, initially as a Principal Scientist and then Head of the Endocrinology section. In 2017, he took over as Head of the Division of Biotherapeutics. He has more than 20 years’ research experience obtained initially through doctoral studies and post-doctoral academic research at King’s College London and more recently at NIBSC. He has published more than 50 refereed publications and sits on a number of national and international committees and advisory boards relating to medicine safety, international standardisation and the harmonisation of diagnostic tests. He works closely with the World health Organisation, EDQM, the European and US Pharmacopoeias and the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 

His research interests are focussed in two major areas. The first underpins the activities of the Division of Biotherapeutics at NIBSC and involves the characterisation of biological medicines such as glycoprotein hormones and monoclonal antibodies using physico-chemical and biological assays, and the development of novel and improved methods for these analyses. The second is a program of work using cellular reprogramming to generate induced pluripotent stem cells for studies into the safety of stem cell therapies. These cells have enormous clinical potential for regenerative medicine applications.However, the successful translation of this potential into effective strategies to treat disease relies on a better understanding of the recipient’s immune response to the transplanted cells, and also how these immune responses may be mitigated.


Professional committees and appointments

- Honorary Senior Lecturer at University College London
- Member EDQM BSP Steering committee
- Member EDQM Group of Experts 6
- Member British Pharmacopoeia EAG BIO
- Member - United States Pharmacopoeia BIO1 - Proteins Expert Committee
- Chair - United States Pharmacopoeia Joint standards setting subcommittee
- Member - United States Pharmacopoeia Expert Panel for Insulin
- Member – United States Pharmacopoeia Reference Standards Collaborative Group
- Vice-chair – NIBSC Standards Programme Board
- Member – UK Reference Materials Working Group
- Member - International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) Scientific    Divison
- Member - IFCC Working Group for Commutability and Working groups for Chorionic Gonadotrophin, Parathyroid hormone and Growth Hormone
- Study Director – EDQM CAP-testing programme
- Study Director – EDQM Biological Standardisation programme
- Member - Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine - Proteins Working Group

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