Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

SD-EC Member - Mario Plebani Biography

Prof. Mario Plebani
Full Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology
Chief Department of Laboratory Medicine
University Hospital – Padova
Dean of the Medical School
University of Padova
35122 Padova



Mario Plebani obtained his medical degree summa cum laude from the Medical School of the University of Padova in 1975. He completed residency training and specialization in Laboratory Medicine (1978), and subsequently in Gastroenterology (1983), at the same University. He is full Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology at the School of Medicine, University of Padova and Chief of the Department of Laboratory Medicine at the University-Hospital of Padova. He is also the Dean of the Medical School of the University of Padova and Chief of the Center of Biomedical Research (a specialized Center for quality in laboratory medicine for the Veneto Region). Honorary Professor at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquimica, he served as President of the International Society of Enzymology for four years (2004-2008), as President of the Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Clinical Biology for five years (in 2003 and from 2007 to 2009) and President of the Federation of Italian Societies of Laboratory Medicine (FISMeLAB) from 2009 to 2012. 

Prof. Plebani is Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, and Editor in Chief of  Diagnosis.

He has published 1100 full papers, more than 900 abstracts and several books and book chapters, HI 90 (20.351 citations with an average per year of 371 citations), and an Impact Factor of 984.495 in the last three year. Italian representative in the Accreditation Working Group EC4, Italian delegate in the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA) SubCommittee for Medical Laboratories and member of the ISO Technical Committee 212 (ISO/TC 212) which delivered the ISO 15189 International Standard for Laboratory Accreditation. Invited speakers at many national and international meetings and conferences such as the AACC annual meetings in 1998, 2005 and 2007-2012, the IFCC/EFCC International Congresses in Florence (1999), Kyoto (2002), the IFCC-FESSC EuroMedLab in Prague (2001), Barcelona (2003), Glasgow (2005), Innsbruck (2009), Berlin (2012) and Milan (2013). He has been invited as key-note speaker at many national meetings of IFCC member societies, including Australia, UK, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland, Turkey, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Perù. Awards received: 1991-King Prize for achievement and original research in Clinical Enzymology, International Society for Clinical Enzymology (ISE); 2007-AACC Management Sciences Division, Outstanding Contributions to Management Sciences Award; 2008-AACC Award for Outstanding Clinical Laboratory Contributions to Patient Safety; 2011-ACB (UK) International Lecture Award, 2014-IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) Distinguished Award for Laboratory Medicine and Patient Care and 2014- AACC/NACB Award for Outstanding Contributions to Clinical Chemistry in a Selected Area of Research and the 2014 Canadian Society (CSCC)  “Travelling Lecture” Award.

His main areas of research are quality management in laboratory medicine, diagnostic and laboratory errors, biomarkers in cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and in vitro allergy diagnostics.

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