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SD-EC Chair - Philippe Gillery Biography

Prof. Philippe Gillery, MD, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Medicine University of Reims, Champagne-Ardenne



Philippe Gillery is Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Medicine of Reims. He is the chair of the Laboratory of Biochemistry - Pharmacology - Toxicology and of the Biology and Pathology Department of the University Hospital of Reims, France.

He is currently appointed as Chair of the Scientific Division of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), and is Associate Editor of the Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Journal.

His research interests (CNRS Research Unit "Extracellular Matrix and Cell Dynamics") are related to the effects of nonenzymatic post-translational modifications on protein structure and functions, and to their involvement in the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and other chronic diseases. He has published more than 220 articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Some recent publications:

  • Delatour, V., Clouet-Foraison, N., Gaie-Levrel, F., Marcovina, S.M., Hoofnagle, A.N., Kuklenyik, Z., Caulfield, M.P., Otvos, J.D., Krauss, R.M., Kulkami, K.R., Contois, J.H., Remaley, A.T., Vesper, H.W., Cobbaert, C.M., Gillery, P. Comparability of lipoprotein particle number concentrations across ES-DMA, NMR, LC-MS/MS, immunonephelometry and VAP: In search of a candidate reference measurement procedure for apoB and non-HDL-P standardization. Clin. Chem., 2018, 64, 1485-1495.
  • Cobbaert, C., Smit, N., Gillery, P. Metrological traceability and harmonization of medical tests: a quantum leap forward is needed to keep pace with globalization and stringent
    IVD-regulations in the 21st century ! Clin. Chem. Lab. Med., 2018, 56,1598-1602.
  • Nicolas, C., Jaisson, S., Gorisse, L., Tessier, F.J., Niquet-Léridon, C., Jacolot, P.,
    Pietrement, C., Gillery, P. Carbamylation is a competitor of glycation for protein modification in vivo. Diabetes Metab., 2018, 44, 160-167.
  • Jaisson, S., Kazes, I., Desmons, A., Fadel, F., Oudard, J.B., Dos Santos-Weiss, I.C.R.,
    Millart, H., Clin. Touré, F., Rieu, P., Gillery, P. Homocitrulline as marker of protein carbamylation in hemodialyzed patients. Clin. Chim. Acta, 2016, 460, 5-10.
  • Jaisson, S., Souchon, P.F., Desmons, A., Salmon, A.S., Delemer, B., Gillery, P. Early formation of serum advanced glycation end-products in children whith type 1 diabetes mellitus: relationship with glycemic control. J. Pediatr., 2016, 172, 56-62.
  • Gorisse, L., Pietrement, C., Vuiblet, V., Schmelzer, C.E.H., Köhler, M., Duca, L., Debelle, L., Fornès, P., Jaisson, S., Gillery, P. Protein carbamylation is a hallmark of aging. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2016, 113, 1191-1196.
  • Desmons, A., Jaisson, S., Pietrement, C., Rieu, P., Wynckel, A., Gillery, P., Homocitrulline: a new biomarker for differenciating acute from chronic renal failure. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med., 2016, 54, 73-79.
  • Weykamp, C., John, G., Gillery, P., English, E., Ji, L., Lenters-Westra, E., Little, R.R., Roglic, G., Sacks, D., Takei, I. Investigation of two models to set and evaluate quality targets for HbA1c : biological variation and Sigma-metrics. Clin. Chem., 2015, 61,752-759.


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