Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Reference Intervals and Decision Limits (C-RIDL)


Name Position Country Term Time in Office
T. Streichert  Chair DE 1st  2022 01 - 2024 12
N. Brouwer Member NL 1st 2022 04 - 2024 12
F. Demet Arslan Member TR 1st 2023 02 - 2025 12
Y. Kataria Member US 2nd 2023 01 - 2025 12
K. Rodríguez-Capote Member CA 1st 2022 04 - 2024 12
Y. Ozarda Consultant      



Terms of Reference

  • To review current concepts of establishing reference intervals and decision limits and to prepare state-of-the-art position statements regarding new avenues
  • To make available reference intervals and decision limits that respect the requirements of international directives such as the European IVD Directive 98/79, and relevant ISO standards
  • To determine priority list of measurands (analytes) for which reference intervals and/or decision limits have to be developed, considering various factors, such as age, gender, ethnicity, and for which the greatest improvements in medical decision making are anticipated
  • To monitor and evaluate currently proposed reference intervals for selected measurands (analytes) in the light of the concept of traceability and of the identification of the uncertainty
  • To establish transferabilty protocols of reference intervals and decision limits, which take into consideration inter-routine laboratory method variations and achieve better applicability in clinical practice
  • To collaborate with other organizations and/or to undertake establishment of reference intervals or decision limits for measurands (analytes) identified as a priority
  • To work in close collaboration with other Cs and WGs of SD and other IFCC Divisions for the development and appropriate clinical utilization of reference intervals and decision limits


Current Projects

  • Conduction of a new study to compare alternative approaches (conventional and big data) for the determination of reference intervals
  • Creating a website to provide the reference intervals obtained from the global study for practice of Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine
  • Preparation of a publication on comparison direct and indirect approaches for the determination of reference intervals.


The published 2 papers on Clinica Chimica Acta (CCA) about the results of Global Reference Intervals Study performed by C-RIDL are downloadable at following links:

"A global multicenter study on reference values"
Part 1: Assessment of methods for derivation and comparison of reference intervals
Part 2: Exploration of sources of variation across the countries



List of Corresponding Members, nominated by National Societies

Name Full and Affiliate Member Societies
Matias Gastón Dombald Confederación Unificada Bioquímica de la Republica Argentina (CUBRA)
Graham Jones Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (AACB)
Natasha Slhessarenko Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica/Medicina Laboratorial (SBPC/ML)
Jasna Leniček Krleža Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CSMBLM)
Samuel Kinde Birru Ethiopian Medical Laboratory Association (EMLA)
Georg Hoffmann Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie und Laboratoriumsmedizin e.V. (DGKL)
Julia Trifonidi Greek Society of Clinical Chemistry - Clinical Biochemistry (GSCC-CB)
Barnali Das Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (ACBI)
Amita Yadav Association of Medical Biochemists of India (AMBI)
Anak Agung Wiradewi Indonesian Association for Clinical Chemistry (HKKI)
Romolo Dorizzi Italian Society of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology (SIBioC)
Kiyohide Ishikura Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry (JSCC)
Valdas Banys Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine
Raja Elina Raja Aziddin Malaysian Association of Clinical Biochemists (MACB)
Danica Popović Montenegrian Association of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Layachi Chabraoui Société Marocaine de Chimie Clinique (SMCC)
Ram Vinod Mahato Nepalese Association for Clinical Chemistry (NACC)
Maria Ebesunun Association of Clinical Chemists Nigeria (ACCN)
Joakim Eikeland Norwegian Society of Medical Biochemistry (NSMB)
Salma Haq Pakistan Society of Chemical Pathologists
Anacleta P. Valdez  Philippine Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratories (PCQACL)
Gernand Wojciech Polish Society for Laboratory Diagnostics (PTDL)
Svetlana Evgina Association of Lab Specialists and Org «Federation of Laboratory Medicine» (FLM)
Rajiv Erasmus South African Association of Clinical Biochemistry
Bolonghoge Dayanath Association for Clinical Biochemistry, Sri Lanka
Olivier Boulat
Swiss Society of Clinical Chemistry (SSCC)
Carlos Lacava Asociación Bioquímica Uruguaya (ABU)
Hoang Thu Ha Vietnamese Association of Clinical Biochemists (VACB)



List of Corresponding Members, nominated by Corporate Members

Name Corporate Memeber
Christian Fischer ABBOTT Diagnostics
Anna Ruzhanskaya BECKMAN COULTER
Frank Ocklenburg P.H.C. Europe 
Horst Klima ROCHE Diagnostics
Jeanne Rhea-McManus SIEMENS



Committee Chair's contact

Dr. Thomas Streichert
Director Central Laboratory
Institute of Clinical Chemistry of the University of Cologne

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