Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

Bone Metabolism (C-BM)


Name Position Country Term Time in Office
E. Cavalier Chair BE 2nd  2022 01 - 2024 12
H.P. Bhattoa Member HU 2nd  2022 01 - 2024 12
A. Heijboer Member NL 2nd  2022 01 - 2024 12
G. Lombardi Member IT 1st 2023 02 - 2025 12
S. Vasikaran Member AU 2nd  2022 01 - 2024 12
V. Delatour Consultant  FR    
K. Phinney Consultant  US    
C. Sturgeon Consultant  UK    
H. Vesper Consultant  US    


As of January 2019 the IFCC has created this Committee on “Bone Metabolism (C-BM)”, formed by the joining of the already existing Working Groups:
- Standardization of Bone Markers Assays (WG-BMA) in collaboration with IOF
- Parathyroid Hormone (WG-PTH)
- Vitamin D Standardization Program (WG-Vit D)



The Terms of Reference

  • Standardize PTH assays
  • Standardize or harmonize bone markers assays
  • Standardize vitamin D metabolites assays



Current Projects   


1. PTH assays

  • Create liaison with International Endocrinological, Rheumatological and Nephological organizations
  • Define the measurand (what we need to measure for all clinical situations)
  • Develop a reference measurement procedure for PTH(1-84) and moieties of clinical interest
  • Evaluate the commutability of PTH International standard PTH 95/646 and the need to create primary reference material
  • Replicate the RMP in a second lab and create a network of 3-4 reference labs
  • Create an accuracy-based external quality assessment scheme
  • Constitute an appropriate and international panel of sera and plasma to establish PTH reference intervals
  • Specify performance criteria for RMP and routine methods
  • Provide services to manufacturers, notably by providing a reliable source for primary reference materials
  • Post-survey of the standardization effects


2. Bone markers assays 

  • Continue the liaison with IOF and extend to other relevant international societies

        Current CTX and PINP project:

  • Complete the multicenter study and harmonize CTX and PINP assays
  • Collaborate with EQAS provider(s) to improve the surveys
  • Constitute an appropriate and international panel of sera and plasma to establish CTX and PINP reference intervals
  • Post-survey of the standardization/harmonization effects.

        Future projects:

  • Select biomarkers to be standardized/harmonized (g.: bone alkaline phosphatase, FGF-23, sclerostin).


3. Vitamin D metabolites

  • Re-evaluate current VDSP performance guidelines for 25(OH)D
  • Establish VDSP performance guidelines for 24,25(OH)2D, C3-epimer and vitamin D binding protein
  • Post-survey of the standardization effects
  • Propose services to reassess the true value of 25OHD obtained in former epidemiological or interventional studies that had used non-standardized methods



List of Corresponding Members, nominated by National Societies 

Name Full and Affiliate Member Societies
M. Herrmann Austrian Society of Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Chemistry (ÖGLMKC)
E. Delvin Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists (CSCC)
R. Pikner Czech Society of Clinical Biochemistry (CSKB)
N. Rye Joergensen Danish Society of Clinical Biochemistry (DSKB)
G. Zemtsovskaja  Estonian Society for Laboratory Medicine
JP. Cristol Société Française de Biologie Clinique (SFBC)
M. Miura  Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry (JSCC)
S.-G. Lee Korean Society of Clinical Chemistry (KSCC)
A. Habib Pakistan Society of Chemical Pathologists (PSCP)
A. Sepici Dinçel Turkish Biochemical Society (TBS)


 List of Corresponding Members, nominated by Corporate Members 



Corporate Member
M. Novello Paglianti DIASORIN
C. Vogl ROCHE Diagnostics GmbH
K. Sun MACCURA Biotechnology Co. Ltd.
W. Kikuchi NITTOBO Medical Co. Ltd.
N. Parker SIEMENS Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc.


Committee Chair's contact

Prof Etienne CAVALIER, PhD, EuSpLM
Head, Department of Clinical Chemistry
University of Liège, CHU de Liège
Route 52, Porte 53
Domaine du Sart-Tilman
B-4000 Liège, Belgium
Tel: +32 4 366 88 22 or 76 92
Fax:+32 4 366 88 23

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