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IFCC Executive Board Regional Federations and Corpotare Representatives elected for term 2024-2026

Published: Monday, March 6, 2023


The ballot held to confirm (or reject) the nominees for the position of IFCC Regional Federation Representatives for the term 2024-2026, was concluded on February 28th.

Below please find the results of the voting:

The ballot for the election of the Executive Board Corporate Representative for the term 2024-2026 was concluded on February 28th. In summary, 13 companies voted (out of 54 having the right to vote), confirming the candidacy of Ms. Tricia Ravalico, as shown below:

Ms. Tricia Ravalico (Abbott Diagnostics)

Results at link:

We congratulate warmly the newly elected Regional and Corporate Representatives and we wish them a fruitful time in office for the period 1 January 2024- 31 December 2026.

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