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Candidates for Corporate and for Regional representatives members positions within the EB

Published: Thursday, January 19, 2023

CORPORATE MEMBERS' Representative  - time in office 2024-2026

The Nominations Committee, having completed its assessment of nominations, now presents for your consideration the received candidacy for the election of the IFCC Corporate Members' Representative to the IFCC Executive Board. The representative will commence office on January 1st 2024.

The candidate's full details including a personal statement are avaialble by clicking this link
The voting will be held electronically from February 1st to 28th, 2023.

REGIONAL FEDERATIONS' Representatives  - time in office 2024-2026

The Nominations Committee having completed its assessment of nominations, now presents to you the following slate of candidates for the election of the IFCC Regional Federations' Representatives to commence his/her time in office on January 1st 2024:

The candidates's full details including a personal statement are avaialble by clicking this link.

The voting will be held electronically from February 1st to 28th, 2023.

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