Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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Documents and Resources easier to find in the IFCC Website

Published: Monday, September 29, 2014

A new page entitled "Resources and Downloads" has been added to assist in finding useful material on the IFCC webpage. Click on the link in the blue banner at the top of the page to be taken straight to the following useful links:

Resources & Downloads

Public Relations resources

Brochures and slide sets promoting and explaining Laboratory Medicine and the role of the IFCC.

Educational Resources

Webinars and Distance Learning Modules available for Continuing Professional Development.

Resources made available by IFCC Working Groups and Task Forces

Programmes for Developing Countries

One of the goals of IFCC is to help improve the quality of Clinical Laboratory testing and management, particularly in developing countries, with the ultimate goal of assisting laboratories to achieve accreditation.
A leaflet has been designed to assist developing countries in understanding the programmes that are available for Member associations and their individual members, and to make it easier for scientists to assess information in a way that will not cause them a financial burden.



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