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IFCC eNewsletter July - August 2014 edition

Published: Wednesday, August 27, 2014

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Read the eNewsletterJuly - August 2014

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  • Editorial - A reflection on the IFCC Council
  • A memorable IFCC Worldlab Congress ın Istanbul at the connectıon of two contınents
  • IFCC Specialized Conference "Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatric Disorders"
  • Labs Are Vital is "still" changing and we "still" want you to be involved
  • Programmes available within the IFCC to assist developing countries
  • News from Regional Federations and Member Societies
    • V International Clinical Laboratory and Quality Symposium
    • XII Conference of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology (SEQC)
    • European survey of national guidelines on phlebotomy
    • EFLM Speakers Bureau
    • 58th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists
  • PEP Reports
    • PMEP: Idris Mohammed
    • PSEP: Carlos Ku
  • News from the IFCC website
  • Welcome to a New IFCC member: Saudi Arabia
  • Forthcoming Meetings


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