Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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IFCC eNewsletter May - June 2014 edition

Published: Monday, June 9, 2014

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Read the eNewsletter May- June 2014

click here to download the pdf

click here to download the flipping version

Editorial: 'Shaping the Future of Laboratory Medicine'  

Welcome to the 2014 WorldLab in Istanbul

The Founding and History of IFCC National Members

News from Regional Federations and Member Societies

  • APFCB Office Bearers

  • Biased Lipid-Based Risk Scores in Hypertriglyceridemia. An important study by the EAS-EFLM Cardiac Marker WG Collaborative Project Group.

  • EFLM Report from the 2014 UK Diagnostic Forum. Changing the Landscape of Adoption of Diagnostic.

  • 14th EFLM Continuing Postgraduate Course in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine - Dubrovnik, October 25-26, 2014

  • 20th Anniversary of the LABKVALITA: News from the Slovak Society of Clinical Biochemistry

  • News from Uruguay

IFCC Professional Scientific Exchange Programme (PSEP): My experience at the Biomedical Diagnostic Institute

News from the IFCC website

Welcome to a New IFCC Corporate member: GUANGZHOU WONDFO BIOTECH CO. LTD

Forthcoming Meetings

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