Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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IFCC eNewsletter March - April 2014 issue

Published: Monday, April 14, 2014

E News - Top For Web 2014

Read the eNewsletter March - April 2014

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 Editorial: Progress with the IFCC Strategic Plan

2014 IFCC Distinguished Awards

News From Regional Federations and National Associations

  • Hong Kong Society of Clinical Chemistry Office Bearers Updates 2014-15 Vietnam
  • New Meetings Involving the APFCB
  • EFLM Executive Board for the term of office 2014-2015
  • EuroMedLab Focus 2014: Laboratory Medicine at the Clinical Interface
  • EU Directive 2005/36/EC: A new horizon to working across the European community
  • The Meeting of General Body of Pakistan Phypathological Society
  • Harmonisation Of Laboratory Testing In Australia And New Zealand
  • News from Serbia: Ivan Berkes Scientific Conference & NAPSer Zlatibor 2013

Study by the IOF and IFCC WG on SBMA

New IFCC Corporate Members

  • Diatron
  • Sonic Healthcare Europe

International agreement to improve quality in laboratory medicine

Npu terminology

IFCC PSEP: Shirin Tarbiat

Forthcoming meetings

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