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IFCC affiliates with Clinica Chimica Acta (CCA) as the Official Journal of IFCC

Published: Saturday, August 10, 2013


 CCA Signing.jpg

 Graham Beastall (IFCC President) and Anthony Newman (CCA Publisher Elsevier), signing the formal sponsorship agreement at the IFCC booth at the AACC meeting in Houston 30th  July. Also present are: from left to right standing, members of the IFCC Communications and Publication Division (CPD) - Edgard Delvin, Vice Chair; Ellis Jacobs, Past Chair, Khosrow Adeli, Chair; and sitting, Joris Delanghe, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Clinica Chimica Acta (CCA).

 "IFCC is delighted to be able to partner with Elsevier in an agreement that makes Clinica Chimica Acta the Official Journal of IFCC.

 Elsevier has an outstanding reputation as an international publisher in the field of medicine and healthcare, with a huge range of leading titles in both journals and books. This experience will be of benefit to IFCC as we strive to increase our scientific and public relations image at a global level. In reaching the agreement IFCC was encouraged by the vision and the commitment from Elsevier to advance the quality and impact of IFCC publications.

 Clinica Chimica Acta has a well-established role as a high quality, international journal in the field of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. The rapid publication time and the easily accessible electronic format of the journal fit well with the demographics and the aspirations of IFCC. We look forward to publishing IFCC original articles, reviews, recommendations and guidelines in Clinica Chimica Acta and working together to lift still further the impact and reputation of the journal. We are enthusiastic about the imaginative package that will allow individuals who belong to IFCC Member societies to subscribe to Clinica Chimica Acta at a highly advantageous rate.

 This agreement is a true partnership and I am confident that it will flourish and become mutually advantageous in the years ahead".

Graham Beastall, IFCC President


"I am personally thrilled to have my separate involvement with CCA and IFCC for the past 15 years come full circle. We are celebrating this union with a new journal cover.  Other changes will be evident in the coming months as CCA and IFCC publications becomes more seamless. As co-editor-in chief for the Americas and Asia, I invite my IFCC colleagues to submit their work to our journal."

Alan H.B. Wu, Co-Editor-in-Chief CCA


 "It is an honour that the IFCC has chosen to adopt CCA as its Official Journal.  Indeed the journal was founded as a result of the very first IFCC conference in Amsterdam back in 1954! The journal was set up to be a platform to publish clinical chemistry research worldwide - a role it still continues today and into the future with vigour. 

Senior clinical chemists may still remember the 'blue' pages in CCA - IFCC pages published regularly at the end every volume (printed on blue coloured paper). These appeared for many years from 1975 onwards e.g.  This was a great service for years, pre-Internet, in keeping the community informed of IFCC activities and recommendations.

 Laboratory medicine researchers may find the 2006 CCA review by the past President of IFCC, Mathias M. Müller, entitled 'IFCC and Clinica Chimica Acta-50 years of partnership' of interest. I know that I did.   As the review shows, it is very clear that although the IFCC and CCA have not had a formal relationship until now, the Federation and the Journal has been entwined for decades.

 As the IFCC Official Journal, CCA will now become the preferred journal in which to publish IFCC Recommendations and Guidelines. It is hoped that many of the Working Groups will also choose to publish their work in CCA too.

 In the years to come, Elsevier and CCA will continue to do their best to facilitate and publicise IFCC activities to enable the Federation to be as effective as possible. As part of this agreement with the IFCC, all individual members of IFCC full and affiliate national societies will now be entitled, from the beginning of 2014, to receive low-cost online access to the journal (including archives back to the first issue in 1956). The coordination of this member subscription of US$35 per year will be carried out by each society on behalf of its members. More details will be sent shortly to the IFCC national society representatives"

Anthony Newman, Publisher, CCA, Elsevier, Amsterdam 

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