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Early Bird Registration for EML 2013

Published: Thursday, March 14, 2013

Subscribe now to the 2013 most important scientific event in the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine in Europe.

The possibility to have reduced subscription fees expires on 31st March.

The registration fee includes:

  • entrance to the scientific events, poster sessions and exhibition
  • flash drive containing the Scientific Sessions and Poster abstracts
  • a free APP for the Scientific Program with the Abstracts and the slides of the presentations and the Abstracts of the Posters
  • packet lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (new at EuromedLab Congresses!)
  • coffee and tea facilities during Intermissions
  • Opening Ceremony and Welcome Party
  • Closing Ceremony
  • Milano public transportation ticket valid from May 19 to May 23.

Poster Authors will be allowed to present their poster and to enter to the poster awards competition only if they are fully registered.

Register at:

Milan 2013

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