Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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IFCC-Abbott Visiting Lecturer Programme (VLP)

Published: Thursday, September 12, 2019

The mission of the IFCC Education and Management Division (EMD) is to provide IFCC members and the healthcare community with education in the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine directed at scientific, management and clinical issues.

For those Countries and Regions requesting assistance in the transfer of knowledge, with the generous support of Abbott Diagnostics, the IFCC Education and Management Division has developed the IFCC Visiting Lecturer Programme (VLP).

The VLP supports international cooperation in educational activities through funding of lectureships on professional, educational and managerial topics.

IFCC National Societies are invited to select and invite a Visiting Lecturer to speak at their local events on a specific subject.

Click here to find more on what the programme funds and for further information and VLP Application form.

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