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IFCC, Abbott and Health Industry Leaders - partners in the UNIVANTS of Healthcare Excellence Award

Published: Thursday, August 22, 2019

The programme’s goal is to inspire innovative solutions within healthcare that will positively affect patients, clinicians, payors, and health systems globally, to highlight best practices, inspire unity and to encourage novel, avant-garde ways of thinking, as the name UNIVANTS suggests.

This year, twelve innovative care teams are being recognized for excellence in measurably better healthcare performance:

  • 3 teams have been awarded the inaugural distinction of 2019 UNIVANTS of Healthcare Excellence WINNERS
  • 7 teams were finalists, receiving the honours of DISTINCTION
  • 2 teams were semi-finalists with honours of ACHIEVEMENT.

The website is now accepting applications for 2020 award recognition. The Award is open to all healthcare professionals and professional teams regardless of affiliation.

For more information on the UNIVANTS of Healthcare Excellence Awards, the 2019 award winners, as well as the award application, visit

To read the full press release click here.

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