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Candidates for IFCC President-elect position

Published: Thursday, June 6, 2019

A ballot of IFCC Full Member societies will be held in September 2019 to determine which of the three candidates will become President-Elect. To assist the decision-making process Full Members have been provided with a biography and a personal statement from each candidate. The period between now and September allows for consultation by Full Member societies with their membership and for a preferred candidate to be agreed.

                      Professor Khosrow Adeli           Professor Päivi Laitinen             Professor Tomáš Zima
                        from Toronto, Canada               from Helsinki, Finland          from Prague, Czech Republic

The successful candidate will commence his/her role on 1st January 2020 and will transition to President at a mutually agreed time during 2020.

The booklet providing slate of candidates is available clicking here.

Information about the election process is available by clicking the article written by Dr. Graham Beastall in the January/February 2019 volume of IFCC e-News

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