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DGKL Award "Biochemical Analytics 2019‟

Published: Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The German Society of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL) is the non-profit, scientific organization for clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine in Germany. DGKL represents, promotes and shapes Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine in research, education and patient care.

The DGKL "Biochemical Analytics Award" was established in 1970 and it is awarded every two years to scientists who demonstrated outstanding achievements in research and analytical method development. Nominations are made by the Board of Directors of the DGKL, the Nominating Committee or by self-nominations.

The next award ceremony will be held at the 16th Annual Conference of the DGKL from 25th to 28th of September 2019 in Magdeburg, Germany. The Award is sponsored by SARSTEDT AG & Co. KG and comprises an award sum of EUR 50.000. The award winner must be present at the prize giving ceremony.

Valid applications shall encompass a scientific CV, an abstract of scientific achievements and those papers the nomination is based on.

Please send the dossier using the keyword “BIOCHEM2019‟ by mail or email no later than May 31st 2019 to:

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie
und Laboratoriumsmedizin e.V.
Friesdorfer Straße 153
53175 Bonn

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