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IFCC Roche Travel Scholarships to attend Barcelona 2019: one week to go!

Published: Thursday, January 24, 2019

Click here to hear past Scholarship recipients discuss their experiences at EuroMedLab 2017, Athens - Greece.

IFCC is pleased to offer a limited number of Travel Scholarships for the participation of Young Scientists from developing countries to the 23 IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine 2019, to be held in Barcelona – ES, 19 - 23 May 2019.

Applicants from selected countries should be less than 40y of age on 1 January 2019.
Priority will be given to persons submitting an abstract.
The IFCC Roche Travel Scholarship will provide funding towards the cost of economy travel and accommodation. In addition, scholarship recipients will receive free registration from the Congress Organising Committee.
Applicants will be required to complete the application form that can be obtained from the IFCC Office (
Applications should be submitted to the IFCC Office within: 31st January, 2019.

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