Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide

2019 12 23 Season's Greetings


Wishing you Happy Holidays and best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year, from the IFCC Executive Board and Office Staff. We take the occasion to inform that the IFCC Office will be closed for Christmas Holidays from December 23rd to January 1st, both inclusive.
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2019 12 16 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: - EMD Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac Biomarkers (C-CB): one member position. Applications close on 31st December 2019. - EMD Committee on Distance Learning (C-DL): two members positions. Applications close on 8th January 2020. - Congresses and Congresses Committee (C-CC): one member position. Applications close on 10th January 2020. - EMD Committee on Clinical Molecular Biology Curriculum (C-CMBC): two members positions as of January 2020. Applications close on 15th January 2020. - EMD Committee on Analytical Quality (C-AQ): one member position. Applications close on 22nd January 2020. - SD Committee on Molecular Diagnostics (C-MD): one member position. Applications close on 25th January 2020. - EMD Committee on Evidence-based Laboratory Medicine (C-EBLM): one member position. Applications close on 29th January 2020.  - SD Executive Committee (SD-EC): one corporate member position. Applications close on 30th January 2020. - SD Committee on Reference Intervals and Decision Limits (C-RIDL): one member position. Applications close on 30th January 2020. - SD Committee on Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests (C-STFT): one member position. Applications close on 30th January 2020. - Task Force for Young Scientists (TF-YS): two members positions. Applications close on 31st January 2020. - EMD Committee on Clinical Laboratory Management (C-CLM): one member position. Applications close on 5th February 2020. - EMD Committee on Kidney Disease (C-KD): one member position. Applications close on 12th February 2020. - EMD Committee on Point of Care Testing (C-PoCT): one corporate member position. Applications close on 19th February 2020. Refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations.
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2019 12 12 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: - Education and Management Division Executive Committee: one member position. Applications close on 15th December 2019. - Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac Biomarkers (C-CB): one member position. Applications close on 31st December 2019. - Committee on Distance Learning (C-DL): two members positions. Applications close on 8th January 2020. - Congresses and Congresses Committee: one member position. Applications close on 10th January 2020. - Committee on Clinical Molecular Biology Curriculum (C-CMBC): two members positions as of January 2020. Applications close on 15th January 2020. - Committee on Analytical Quality (C-AQ): one member position. Applications close on 22nd January 2020. - Committee on Clinical Laboratory Management (C-CLM): one member position. Applications close on 5th February 2020. - Committee on Molecular Diagnostics (C-MD): one member position. Applications close on 15th February 2020. - Committee on Point of Care Testing: one corporate member position. Applications close on 19th February 2020. Refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations.
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2019 12 19 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: - EMD Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac Biomarkers (C-CB): one member position. Applications close on 31st December 2019. - EMD Committee on Distance Learning (C-DL): two members positions. Applications close on 8th January 2020. - Congresses and Congresses Committee (C-CC): one member position. Applications close on 10th January 2020. - EMD Committee on Clinical Molecular Biology Curriculum (C-CMBC): two members positions as of January 2020. Applications close on 15th January 2020. - EMD Committee on Analytical Quality (C-AQ): one member position. Applications close on 22nd January 2020. - SD Committee on Molecular Diagnostics (C-MD): one member position. Applications close on 25th January 2020. - EMD Committee on Evidence-based Laboratory Medicine (C-EBLM): one member position. Applications close on 29th January 2020.  - SD Executive Committee (SD-EC): one corporate member position. Applications close on 30th January 2020. - SD Committee on Reference Intervals and Decision Limits (C-RIDL): one member position. Applications close on 30th January 2020. - SD Committee on Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests (C-STFT): one member position. Applications close on 30th January 2020. - Task Force for Young Scientists (TF-YS): two members positions. Applications close on 31st January 2020. - CPD Committee on Public Relations: one member position. Applications close on 31st January 2020. - EMD Committee on Clinical Laboratory Management (C-CLM): one member position. Applications close on 5th February 2020. - EMD Committee on Kidney Disease (C-KD): one member position. Applications close on 12th February 2020. - EMD Committee on Point of Care Testing (C-PoCT): one corporate member position. Applications close on 19th February 2020. Refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations.
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2019 12 06 IFCC eNews No 12 Dec 2019


The final issue of the eNews for 2019 is now available. Dr Katherina Pasarra, eNews editor, has worked closely with Silvia and the IFCC office and InSoft teams to bring you a whole year full of news from your Laboratory Medicine community around the world. Download the latest issue to see the friendly faces, read about events and activities, and to celebrate the accomplishments of your IFCC colleagues. Stay tuned with IFCC, read the eNews!
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2019 12 03 C-EBLM Survey


The IFCC Committee on Evidence Based Laboratory Medicine (C-EBLM) invites all laboratory professionals from IFCC member national societies to participate in a survey about the application of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) in the medical profession. Take the time to contribute to the understanding of how the principles of EBM are applied in Laboratory Medicine and to help detect potential areas of improvement. Deadline to submit the survey is 8 January, 2020.
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2019 12 02 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: - Education and Management Division Executive Committee: one member position. Applications close on 15th December 2019. - Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac Biomarkers (C-CB): one member position. Applications close on 31st December 2019. - Committee on Distance Learning (C-DL): two members positions. Applications close on 8th January 2020. - Committee on Clinical Molecular Biology Curriculum (C-CMBC): two members positions as of January 2020. Applications close on 15th January. - Committee on Analytical Quality (C-AQ): one member position. Applications close on 22nd January 2020. - Committee on Clinical Laboratory Management (C-CLM): one member position. Applications close on 5th February 2020. - Congresses and Congresses Committee: one member position. Applications close on 10th January 2020. Refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations.
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2019 11 29 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: - Communications and Publications Division: web editor position. Applications close on 30th November 2019 - Education and Management Division Executive Committee: one member position. Applications close on 15th December 2019. - Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac Biomarkers (C-CB): one member position. Applications close on 31st December 2019. - Committee on Distance Learning (C-DL): two members positions. Applications close on 8th January 2020. - Committee on Clinical Molecular Biology Curriculum (C-CMBC): two members positions as of January 2020. Applications close on 15th January. - Committee on Analytical Quality (C-AQ): one member position. Applications close on 22nd January 2020. - Committee on Clinical Laboratory Medicine (C-CLM): one member position. Applications close on 5th February 2020. - Congresses and Congresses Committee: one member position. Applications close on 10th January 2020. Refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations.
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2019 11 22 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: - Communications and Publications Division: web editor position. Applications close on 30th November 2019 - Education and Management Division Executive Committee: one member position. Applications close on 15th December 2019. - Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac Biomarkers (C-CB): one member position. Applications close on 31st December 2019. - Committee on Distance Learning (C-DL): two members positions. Applications close on 8th January 2020. - Committee on Clinical Molecular Biology Curriculum (C-CMBC): two members positions as of January 2020. Applications close on 15th January. - Committee on Analytical Quality (C-AQ): one member position. Applications close on 22nd January 2020. - Congresses and Congresses Committee: one member position. Applications close on 10th January 2020. Refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations.
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2019 11 25 - eJIFCC Vol 30 n° 4


eJIFCC Vol 30, issue 4 is now available. Guest edited by Dr Katherina Psarra, Department of Immunology and Histocompatibility, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece - the theme of this issue is "Clinical flow cytometry in 2019". Flow cytometry has evolved into an important diagnostic and research tool in several areas of medicine and biology, and the flow cytometry laboratory is an important part of the Haematology or Immunology departments in the hospital and a core laboratory in a research institute. In this issue the essential role of flow cytometry is described in the diagnosis of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobulinuria (PNH), in Primary immunodeficiency diagnosis, in diagnosing concerning childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in DNA analysis for breast cancer, and in Immunology. A review of a summer school in Flow Cytometry for Immunology, showing the diversity of immunology topics’ spectrum covered by flow cytometry (K. Psarra et al) complete this special thematic edition of the eJIFCC.
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2019 11 27 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: - Communications and Publications Division: web editor position. Applications close on 30th November 2019 - Education and Management Division Executive Committee: one member position. Applications close on 15th December 2019. - Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac Biomarkers (C-CB): one member position. Applications close on 31st December 2019. - Committee on Distance Learning (C-DL): two members positions. Applications close on 8th January 2020. - Committee on Clinical Molecular Biology Curriculum (C-CMBC): two members positions as of January 2020. Applications close on 15th January. - Committee on Analytical Quality (C-AQ): one member position. Applications close on 22nd January 2020. - Congresses and Congresses Committee: one member position. Applications close on 10th January 2020. Refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations.
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2019 11 14 IFCC Awards


31 December 2019 is the extended deadline to submit nominations for the IFCC Distinguished Awards for presentation at the IFCC Congress in May 2020 in Seoul, Korea. The IFCC distinguished Awards will be conferred to scientists and clinicians who work in clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine or related disciplines to publicize their exceptional research and other contributions that have improved medical and healthcare, and to stimulate and encourage other scientists to accelerate their efforts in advancing clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine.
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2019 11 12 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: - Communications and Publications Division: web editor position. Applications close on 30th November 2019 - Education and Management Division Executive Committee: one member position. Applications close on 15th December 2019. - Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac - Biomarkers (C-CB): one member position. Applications close on 31st December 2019. - Committee on Distance Learning (C-DL): two members positions. Applications close on 8th January 2020. - Committee on Clinical Molecular Biology Curriculum (C-CMBC): two members positions as of January 2020. Applications close on 15th January - Congresses and Congresses Committee: one member position. Applications close on 10th January 2020. Refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations.
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2019 11 12 IFCC eNews No 11 Nov 2019


The November edition of IFCC eNews is now available. In her editorial, Dr Psarra, IFCC eNews editor, highlights IFCC educational programmes for Young Scientists; the IFCC - Abbott Visiting Lecturer Programme (VLP) initiative; the achievements of the great groups rewarded by Univants Of Excellence Award; and finally, reports from congresses and courses and news from IFCC national societies. Stay tuned with IFCC, read the eNews!
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2019 11 01 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: - Committee on Internet and eLearning (C-IeL): two members positions and one web editor position. Applications close 10th November 2019. - Education and Management Division Executive Committee: one member position. Applications close on 15th December 2019. Refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations.
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2019 10 18 DiV - October 2019


Enjoy the contents of the new DIV October issue. En su editorial, la Dra. Maria del Carmen Pasquel, editora en jefe de DiV y presidenta de WG-IANT, resume estos seis años durante los cuales la publicación ha crecido y el grupo ha completado con éxito muchas actividades importantes. La Dra. Pasquel agradece a los muchos colegas que la apoyaron en su aventura: gracias a las autoridades de la IFCC, a su División de Comunicaciones y Publicaciones (CPD), a los profesionales del Grupo de Trabajo de Iberoamérica de Nomenclatura y Traducción, que han sido en su mayoría el soporte para alcanzar la mayor parte de las metas propuestas en el grupo, a los profesionales de la región que han colaborado con tan importantes trabajos de investigación, a cada uno de los colegas del Comité de Redacción que han dado su aporte para tener las noticias de sus sociedades científicas, sus eventos, sus leyes profesionales, en fin cada uno de aquellos estudios científicos, noticias o novedades relevantes que se han dado a conocer a través de este medio, la revista electrónica Diagnóstico In Vitro (DIV) o del sitio web del Rincón Iberoamericano (RIA).
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2019 10 31 IFCC TF-YS Free Webinar


The IFCC Task Force Young Scientists will present their nineth FREE webinar on Monday, November 4th, 2019. This educational programme focuses on the biochemical genetics in diagnosis and monitoring of inborn errors of metabolism. Speaker is Prof Khosrow Adeli (CA). Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) are a large and heterogeneous group of genetic diseases. In most of these conditions, the presence of variants in specific genes leads to enzyme deficiencies that affect a particular metabolic step. This webinar will help us to understand better the different lab diagnostic approaches and latest techniques available. Secure your place at the webinar, register now!
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2019 10 15 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions on the Committee on Internet and eLearning (C-IeL): Two members positions and one web editor position. Applications close 10th November 2019. Refer to your National Representative or Corporate Representative for information on procedures for nominations.
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2019 10 11 - eJIFCC Vol 30 n° 3


The October 2019 eJIFCC is now available. In this issue: Recommendations on measurement units– why and how, an article on behalf of the IFCC-IUPAC Committee on Nomenclature for Properties and Units (C-NPU). Among other articles: Evaluation of visual serum indices measurements and potential false result risks in routine clinical chemistry tests in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Best practices in the implementation of a point of care testing program: experience from a tertiary care hospital in a developing country; and Prevalence of liver function test abnormality and associated factors in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a comparative cross-sectional study. A Case Report and a Letter to the Editor complete the issue.
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2019 10 16 IFCC eNews No 10 Oct 2019


The October edition of IFCC eNews is now available. In her introdcution, Dr Psarra, IFCC eNews editor, congratulates the IFCC President elect Dr. Khosrow Adeli and wishes him great success in his role. In this issue you can read reports from the Young Scientists who were awarded scholarships to attend the EuroMedlab Congress in Barcelona. Keep upto date with news from IFCC National Societies and forthcoming events, and be inspired by the outstanding achievements of the teams awarded by Univants - working together for the benefit of patients. Stay tuned with IFCC, read the eNews!
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2019 10 02 IFCC President-Elect is Prof K Adeli


The election of the next IFCC President-elect was concluded on September 30th, 2019. IFCC is pleased to announce Professor Khosrow Adeli as the successful candidate, commencing his term in office on January 1st, 2020. Prof Adeli brings considerable expertise and experience to the role, having recently completed terms as Vice-chair and Chair of the IFCC Communications and Publications Division (CPD). Prof Adeli believes that future holds considerable promise for the IFCC organization and its family of national societies and corporate members. He looks forward to being part of the IFCC’s continued journey towards global leadership in lab medicine, contributing to its most valuable mission of improving clinical decision making and better healthcare worldwide. The IFCC congratulates the President Elect and wishes him a fruitful and successful term of work for the promotion of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine world-wide.
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2019 09 16 IFCC eNews No 9 Sep 2019


Introducing the September eNews issue, Dr Psarra, IFCC eNews editor welcomes us back to the fascinating lab word. We all look forward to new developments and to keeping pace with them. In this eNews issue you will read out about the work of IFCC committees and workgroups studying advances in lab medicine to make them easy and accessible to colleagues all over the world. Go through the articles and discover what is new, what is worth trying and what we should all know. Discover the people and the societies in order to connect with them. An article on Labtestsonline will explain the present and the future of this important website. And don't forget the congresses and meetings lying ahead. Stay tuned with IFCC, read the eNews!
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2019 09 10 IFCC-Abbott Visiting Lecturer Programme (VLP)


The VLP is a Special Project managed by the IFCC Education and Management Division with the generous support of Abbott Diagnostics to provide IFCC members and the healthcare community with education in the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine directed at scientific, management and clinical issues. The VLP promotes knowledge exchange in laboratory medicine throughout the world supporting international cooperation in educational activities through funding of lectureships on professional, educational and managerial topics. National Societies are invited to apply for a Visiting Lecturer on a specific subject.
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2019 08 29 IFCC Working Group on Volatolomics


The IFCC Emerging Technology Division (ETD) is dedicated to providing current awareness for emerging technologies likely to have important clinical diagnostic applications in the near future. The new Working Group on Volatolomics (WG-Vol) focuses on developing technologies and applications for breath analysis or breathomics. While breath analysis is not new, the development of new applications is attractive because this type of testing is non-invasive, applicable to the point-of-care and offers the possibility of real-time clinical management. The broad scope of diagnostic applications under investigation and development ranges from breath glucose testing to testing for different types of cancer.
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2019 08 22 Univants Awards


Last year the IFCC joined Abbott and other six leading healthcare organizations across the globe including AACC, EHMA, Modern Healthcare, HIMSS, NAHQ, and IHE, to launch the UNIVANTS of Healthcare Excellence Award. The award annually recognizes interdisciplinary care teams who collaborate across disciplines and transform healthcare delivery, and ultimately patient lives. This year, twelve integrated clinical care teams have been recognised for excellence in measurably better healthcare performance.
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2019 08 02 IFCC eNews Flash Aug 2019


IFCC eNews Flash August edition is now available. This issue includes: ♦ UNIVANTS of HCE Awards announcement: twelve integrated clinical care teams receiving recognition from the Award programme ♦ Visit the IFCC booth at AACC ♦ IFCC TF-YS-SnibeTravel Awards for Young Scientists to attend the 15th APFCB 2019, Jaipur (IN) - visit the website to get information on how to apply! ♦ ICPLM congress to be held as WorldLab satellite meeting in Seoul. Stay tuned with IFCC, read the eNews Flash!
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2019 07 12 IFCC eNews No 7/8 Jul-Aug 2019


Introducing the July-August eNews issue, Dr Psarra, IFCC eNews editor urges you to include the IFCC eNews in your summer beach reading. Download the IFCC app on your smartphone and it will be with you wherever you are, along with the eJIFCC, the eAcademy and the website. In this issue you can read up on hot topics such as Big Data and POCT and catch up on the activities of many IFCC working groups, committees and task forces. The IFCC eNews is your go to reading for information about nominations and awards, to hear about the activities of member societies, to know about upcoming congresses and meetings, and to stay in touch with your worldwide Laboratory Medicine family. Download it now!
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2019 06 24 - eJIFCC Vol 30 n°2


The June 2019 eJIFCC is now available. In this issue: Non-coding RNAs as potential laboratory biomarkers. Since the discovery of non-coding RNAs, enormous information has been accumulated about the function of these molecules acting as fine-tuners of cellular processes in development, maintenance of homeostasis up to the generation of malignancies. Altered expression of non-coding RNAs have been implicated in the pathogenesis of diverse human diseases suggesting their potential to become diagnostic or prognostic molecular biomarkers in the near future. This special issue of the eJIFCC incorporates a series of manuscripts that discuss the possibilities and challenges in the use of non-coding RNAs as non-invasive biomarkers in various clinical conditions, especially focusing on cell-free miRNAs in different human diseases.
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2019 06 21 DiV - June 2019


Enjoy the contents of the new DIV June issue. Empezamos el número de la revista electrónica DIV en memoria del Prof. Howard Morris, Presidente de IFCC (2016-2019). Expresamos nuestra profunda consternación y tristeza por la repentina pérdida. Otros artículos son: Novedades y Noticias, Artículos Científicos y la Sección para Jóvenes Científicos de IFCC que busca promover y contribuir con el cuidado de la salud en el mundo entero. También hayará en este número una entrevista completa realizada por "El Microscopio". With DIV, the IFCC WG-IANT confirms its commitment to advance excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide in Latin America.
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2019 06 20 IFCC Awards


IFCC is proud to announce its Distinguished Awards for presentation at the IFCC Congress in May 2020 in Seoul, Korea. The IFCC distinguished Awards will be conferred to scientists and clinicians who work in clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine or related disciplines to publicize their exceptional research and other contributions that have improved medical and healthcare, and to stimulate and encourage other scientists to accelerate their efforts in advancing clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. The closing date for receipt of nominations is 30 November 2019.
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2019 06 18 IFCC Annual Report 2018


The IFCC Annual Report 2018, compiled by Dr David Kinniburgh, IFCC Secretary, is now available. The initial President’s report was prepared by Professor Morris prior to his untimely passing: it represents a tribute to Professor Morris and the leadership that he provided to the Executive Board and the IFCC.
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2019 06 10 IFCC eNews No 6 Jun 2019


Introducing the June Issue, Dr Psarra, IFCC eNews editor, writes: "It was with a tightness in the heart that we all approached Barcelona for EuroMedLab 2019. We were all thinking of the recent passing of our president, Professor Howard Morris, who would have surely brightened the opening ceremony and the entire duration of the Barcelona Congress with his pleasing, charming smile and his imposing personality... His beloved wife, Dr. Helen Martin, welcomed all of us in the opening ceremony. It was a time of strong emotions." In this issue you can read how the hosts, the Spanish Society of Laboratory Medicine, lightened these thoughts and feelings with great hospitality and interesting and up-to-date events surrounded by the wonderful atmosphere of Barcelona. You will also be introduced to the candidates for the position of President-Elect, who are well known in the IFCC community. Read also an obituary for Past President Prof. René Dybkaer, respected for great vision and intellect, who also passed away recently. The vibrant life of many more events with the IFCC auspices can be reached through this issue, as well with reports form the IFCC members and a welcome to a new Corporate member.
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2019 06 06 Candidates for IFCC President-elect position


The IFCC Nominations Committee has approved three valid nominations for the position of IFCC President-Elect. The nominees may now be regarded as candidates for the role. The candidates (in alphabetical surname order) are: Professor Khosrow Adeli from Toronto, Canada; Professor Päivi Laitinen from Helsinki, Finland; and Professor Tomáš Zima from Prague, the Czech Republic.
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2019 05 23 EuroMedLab Closes


EuroMedLab Barcelona 2019 was an historic success, with over 6000 attendees from 83 countries, 1560 abstracts and more than 100 speakers. Thanks to IFCC, EFLM, SEQC, Congress Organizers and everyone who contributed to make it such a success. Now the baton passes to Munich 2021!
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2019 05 19 EuroMedLab Opening


The EuroMedLab Congress is now open. It is dedicated to Prof. Morris, IFCC President, recently passed away and missed greatly by all present. More than 3800 registered delegates and more than 2250 visitors have convened in Barcelona (Spain) for the most successful IFCC - EFLM congress ever. Hosted by the Spanish Society of Laboratory Medicine (SEQCML), the congress offers several days of intense activity with a stimulating scientific programme including plenary lectures, symposia, educational workshops and poster sessions For updates on programme and any useful information, download the congress app: EUROMEDLAB 2019.
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2019 04 20 Prof. Howard Morris, IFCC President


It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Professor Howard Morris, President of the IFCC. Professor Morris was an accomplished medical scientist, educator and administrator. Above all he was a gentleman and a professional in all that he did. He will be remembered for his many contributions to Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine worldwide, especially in the area of Vitamin D and bone metabolism. He worked tirelessly on IFCC Committees including his most recent role as President of IFCC. His passing is a great loss to all of us.
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2019 05 19 IFCC eNews May Edition dedicated to Prof. Howard Morris, IFCC President


Sometimes “words” cannot express feelings, cannot express disappointment, cannot express the void left by the loss of somebody who represented at this very moment the “psyche” of the society. IFCC president, Prof. Morris is no longer with us. He fell on duty while traveling as an IFCC visiting lecturer. His luminous smile will not brighten Euromedlab in Barcelona. This IFCC e-News special issue, devoted to his memory, pays tribute to his legacy and presence as a man, as a scientist, as an IFCC officer, and as IFCC president. He has left us but will be forever remembered by so many people all over the world. Together with the whole IFCC community we express our warmest condolences to his family and our gratitude for his presence in our lives and in the life of IFCC.
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2019 04 16 IFCC Membership survey


Participate in the IFCC Annual Survey! The survey is designed to seek input on the impact and effectiveness of IFCC publications, scientific and educational programmes, and IFCC activities globally. It has been developed by CPD and the Committee on Public Relations. Your feedback is important to improve educational initiatives and communication tools. This year the survey is available also in Spanish. The survey closes on 30th April. Don't miss out! Please take 10 mins to complete the survey today.
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2019 04 16 IFCC TF-YS Free Webinar


The IFCC Task Force Young Scientists presented their eighth webinar on Thursday, April 11, 2019. This educational programme focused on the liquid biopsy of cancer and the application of next generation sequencing (NGS) to rare diseases. Speakers were: Prof Maurizio Ferrari, MD (IT) presenting: “Circulating Tumor DNA: A Promising Biomarker in the Liquid Biopsy of Cancer” and Dr. Guilaine Boursier presenting “NGS Technology for Rare Diseases”. RDon't miss the opportunity to listen to the webinar: a recording is now available.
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2019 04 09 DGKL Award "Biochemical Analytics 2019"


The German Society of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL) announces its "Biochemical Analytics" Award. Established in 1970, it is awarded every two years to scientists who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in research and analytical method development. Nominations are due by May 31st 2019 and may be made by the Board of Directors of the DGKL, the Nominating Committee or by self-nomination. This award is sponsored by SARSTEDT AG & Co. KG and comprises an award sum of EUR 50.000.
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2019 04 04 IFCC eNews No 4 Apr 2019


Introducing the new April Issue, Dr Psarra, IFCC eNews editor, writes: "I admire how much is done all over the world to improve laboratory work in terms of effectiveness, of accuracy, of new tests discovery for the benefit of the patients. I admire all the laboratorians and I would like to thank them on the part of IFFC, because despite their high work burden, they offer some of their precious time to IFCC by sending this valuable information. Go ahead and have a look at all this valuable information. You will be inspired, and you will definitely look at your everyday routine with a different perspective. Your contributions to the eNews, your remarks about a better presentation, or any other comments are always very welcome.. Read and distribute the eNews to your colleagues to keep up with news and current activities around the laboratory medicine world!
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2019 04 01 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following position: Committee on Point of Care Testing (C-POCT): one corporate member position; applications close 27th April, 2019
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2019 03 29 IFCC TF-YS Webinar


The IFCC Task Force for Young Scientists invites you to join for our eighth educational webinar for scientists and laboratorians. This educational program features IFCC Past President, Prof Maurizio Ferrari, MD, and molecular geneticist, Guilaine Boursier, PharmD, PhD, EurSpLm. Join us as they discuss the liquid biopsy of cancer and applying next generation sequencing (NGS) to rare diseases.
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2019 03 25 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: Task Force on Ethics (TF-E): one position; applications close 31st March. Committee on Point of Care Testing (C-POCT): one corporate member position; applications close 8th April, 2019
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2019 03 22 EuroMedLab registrations deadlines


Don't miss the opportunity to register at the early rate! You can save up to € 180 by registering by March 31st, 2019. From April 1st, 2019: Full Registration € 850,00 (vat included); Young Registration (≤35 years) € 455,00 (vat included); Day Registration € 365,00 (vat included) From May 7th, 2019 ON-SITE REGISTRATION ONLY: Full Registration € 910,00 (vat included); Young Registration (≤35 years) € 485,00 (vat included); Day Registration € 425,00 (vat included)
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2019 03 12 IFCC eNews No 3 Mar 2019


Here we are again with a new issue of the eNews. In this issue, read about the hot topics of Bioethics and big data. You have the opportunity to learn about Edgard Delvin’s charismatic leadership through the words of his committee colleagues, and his successor presentation is also included. Our younger colleagues, IFCC future, are presented as well. News from the national societies offers you a glimpse of their accomplishments. Read and distribute the eNews to your colleagues to keep up with news and current activities around the laboratory medicine world!
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2019 03 08 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: Task Force Corporate Members (TF-CM): five positions; applications close 22nd March. Task Force on Ethics (TF-E): one position; applications close 31st March. Committee on Point of Care Testing (C-POCT): one corporate member position; applications close 8th April, 2019
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2019 03 04 - eJIFCC Vol 30 n°1


The first issue of eJIFCC for 2019 is now available. It includes articles on: recent tests that have revolutionized clinical practice, a Nepal experience on factors affecting turnaround time in the clinical laboratory, studies on sodium ion interference in hemolysis, prevalence of anemia and associated factors among hospitalized children, a study on waist circumference cutoff point determination for defining metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetes mellitus in Ethiopia, a report on critical issues and new trends on stat tests in clinical laboratory, and articles on Diamond Blackfan Anemia and on Gaucher disease. Three case reports complete the issue.
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2019 02 27 DiV - February 2019


Enjoy the contents of the new DIAGNÓSTICO IN VITRO February issue. Empezamos con nuestro primer número de la revista electrónica DIV y presentamos el “Documento de consenso sobre la utilización de Troponina cardiaca en Urgencias”; el libro “Hemostasia práctica en el laboratorio clínico” de la Sociedad Española de Medicina de Laboratorio; dos artículos de investigación que abarcan diferentes campos; un estudio de jóvenes investigadores; Cartas al Director; noticias de las sociedades y mucho más! In this issue the IFCC WG-IANT confirms its commitment to advance excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide in Latin America.
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2019 02 20 EuroMedLab Video


Outstanding plenary lectures and educational sessions addressing important topics in Laboratory diagnostics in health care and research. "Whatever our field of laboratory medicine or work environment, it is important that we regularly come together to discuss, debate and decide on the best practice for laboratory medicine to improve the quality of healthcare for our patients and our communities" - H. Morris, IFFC President. "Laboratory Medicine has always been the cross-sectional discipline setting the pace for progress in many areas of modern medicine by thoroughly implementing analytical innovation and professional practice in the medical diagnostic laboratory, and she will continue to do so in the future" - M. Neumaier, EFLM President. Watch the IFCC video on YouTube!
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2019 02 20 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions: Task Force Corporate Members (TF-CM): five positions; applications close 15th March. Task Force on Ethics (TF-E): one position; applications close 31st March 2019.
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2019 02 18 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following position: Task Force Corporate Members (TF-CM): five positions; applications close 15th March.
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2019 02 14 EuroMedLab News


The third issue of EuroMedLab News is available on the website of the 23rd IFCC-EFLM European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine to be held in Barcelona (ES) from 19 to 23 May 2019. Download your copy now to learn everything you need to know how to benefit fully from your participation in the congress!
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2019 02 14 C-CB Tables


The IFCC Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac Bio-Markers (C-CB) has updated the set of tables on the analytical characteristics of contemporary, point of care (POC) and high sensitivity (hs) cardiac troponin I and T assays, as well as natriuretic peptide assays. The IFCC C-CB plans to update these tables quarterly. The cardiac troponin tables are referenced in the Fourth Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction (2018) recommendations paper.
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2019 02 12 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions - Education and Management Division: one position in C-EUBD closing 17th February. Task Force Corporate Members (TF-CM): five positions; applications close 15th March.
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2019 02 07 IFCC eNews No 1/2 Jan-Feb 2019


The first eNews of 2019 is now available. The issue opens with a message by the new eNews Editor, Dr Katherina Psarra. This double eNews includes many new sections: the Editorial; the Voice of IFCC; IFCC: the People; IFCC: the Young Scientists; Contribute to IFCC eNews. "Classic" sections remain: News from Regional Federations and Member Societies; New IFCC Members; IFCC's Calendar of Congresses, Conferences & Events. Read and distribute the eNews to your colleagues to keep up with news and current activities around the laboratory medicine world!
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2019 02 06 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions - Scientific Division: one position in C-TLM, applications close 10 February. Education and Management Division: one position in C-EBLM, closing 5th February, and one position in C-EUBD closing 17th February. Task Force Corporate Members (TF-CM): five positions; applications close 15th March.
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2019 01 29 C-CLM Survey


The Committee on Clinical Laboratory Management invites laboratory professionals from the IFCC member national societies to participate in a survey study. This survey examines medical laboratory test utilization management and relevant practices which are country-specific from a laboratory staff perspective. The survey is designed to be completed by the leadership types of medical or clinical laboratory professionals who have direct contact or interaction with physicians and facility administration and whose primary professional work directly affects patient care. Deadline to complete this survey is: February 28, 2019.
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2019 01 23 IFCC Call for Nominations


The IFCC invites nominations for the following positions - Scientific Division: one position in C-TLM, applications close 10 February. Education and Management Division: one position in C-EBLM, closing 5th February, and one position in C-EUBD closing 17th February.
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2019 01 24 IFCC Roche Travel Scholarships Barcelona 2019


The IFCC Roche Travel Scholarships enable young scientists from developing countries to attend major conferences of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 📌 There's only one week left to apply at #EuroMedLab2019. Application submission deadline is 31st January 2019.
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2019 01 21 IFCC Call for Nominations


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2019 01 11 Abstract Submission Deadline EuroMedLab Barcelona 2019


Abstract submission deadline for Barcelona EuroMedLab Congress is January 15th, 2019. Don't miss the opportunity! Confirmation of receipt of the abstract will be acknowledged by e-mail immediately after submission. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection before 28th February 2019. The presenting author of each abstract must register for the congress with “Full Registration” until 31 March 2019.
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2019 01 11 IFCC Call for Nominations


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2019 01 08 IFCC Call for Nominations


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2019 01 03 IFCC Call for Nominations


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