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IFCC General Conference in Budapest - Laboratory medicine: Preparing for the 2020’s

Published: Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dr Kinniburgh, IFCC Secretary, Prof. Morris, IFCC President, Prof. Ozben, IFCC Treasurer and Dr Hinzmann, IFCC Corporate Representative, at the opening session of the IFCC General Conference 2018, Budapest, (HU), November 2018. IFCC Executive Board in the background slide.

IFCC Division Chairs: Prof. Lai, EMD; Prof. Adeli, CPD; Prof. Gillery, SD; Prof. Bernardini, ETD. With: Dr Kinniburgh, IFCC Secretary and IFCC GC Co-Chair, Dr Brudasca, IFCC GC Co-Chair, and Prof. Morris, IFCC President.

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