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IFCC eNews No 9, October 2018

Published: Saturday, October 6, 2018


IFCC eNews: October 2018     

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  • In memory of Dr. Michael Metz
  • Educational workshop on leadership and management in the PathCape 2018
  • C-CLM survey results on laboratory leadership
  • In memory of Prof. Ian Wootton
  • Clinical Chemistry Trainee Council: Guide to Scientific Writing (WSG)
  • Making the link: migrants, refugees and lab medicine
    • News from the German Society for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (DGKL)
    • News from the Confederación Unificada Bioquímica de la Republica Argentina (CUBRA)
    • News from the Mexican Association of Clinical Laboratory Sciences (CMCLabC)
    • South Africa: introducing SAACB Endocrine Grand Rounds
  • IFCC's Calendar of Congresses, Conferences & Events
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