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IFCC TF-YS Survey "YS training & career"

Published: Monday, September 3, 2018

IFCC TF-YS Survey: YS training & career

YS constitute a vast pool of global talents that have the energy to change geography of knowledge in fundamental ways. Thus, we are approaching you with the “YS training & career survey” which IFCC-TF YS wishes to carryout to know, communicate and share information about the diversity of YS world-wide.

This survey is being conducted to acquire preliminary information of young colleague’s education, training, career path, research interest, field of work and association with TFYS. This will enable us to share and focus our energies to find support for base programmes that are needed.

Kindly find here the link to complete the survey: IFCC TF-YS Survey: YS training & career

All the young colleagues are encouraged to participate in the activities of IFCC-TFYS!

TF YS Logo

The International Federation of Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) assembled the Task Force Young Scientists (TF-YS) in 2010. The aim of TF-YS is to ensure that young scientists make a significant and growing contribution to the activities of IFCC and other National programmes. For more information, visit: 

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