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WG-GMECC organizes a Symposium in cooperation with the AACC Critical and Point-of-Care Testing Division

Published: Thursday, August 2, 2018

The special presentation from the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) – WG GMECC Session will be held on Saturday, September 29, 2018, 11:20– 12:45:

Glucose monitoring in critically ill patients; what do we need to know?

An overview of the IFCC report: "How Should Glucose Meters be Evaluated for Critical Care?"click here to access the full report.


- Cynthia Bowman, MD; Baystate Health, Springfield, MA – US;

- Sean Cunningham, PhD, EuSpLM; Dublin, Ireland.


The Role of Point-of-Care Testing in a Value-Based Healthcare Landscape Symposium will focus on the current and future role of point-of-care testing in a healthcare environment with an emphasis on value and quality of care.

Attendees will learn how point-of-care testing contributes to healthcare value through faster result turnaround time, lower testing costs, improved patient linkage to care and outcomes, and greater satisfaction for patients and healthcare providers.

Session topics will address public health and disease prevention, diagnosis and monitoring disease for the critically ill, at-home patient self-management, direct-to-consumer testing, and new/emerging technologies.

Click here to Register to the Symposium  

“The Role of Point-of-Care Testing in a Value-Based Healthcare Landscape”

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