Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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IFCC eNews No 4, May 2018

Published: Friday, May 4, 2018


IFCC eNews: May 2018     

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  • IFCC and AFCC sign a Memorandum of Understanding with ASLM aimed to strengthening and improving the quality of laboratory medicine in Africa
  • The new IFCC Committee on Clinical Applications of Cardiac Bio-Markers (CB) plans its activities for 2018
  • IFCC welcomes a new corporate member: Timedico AS
  • C-VPLM: changing the agenda from cost to value
  • DQCML visit to Malawi – a field report
  • ACBICON in Lucknow (IN) at the crossroads of innovation – a VLP Report
  • Clinical Chemistry Trainee Council: Question Bank
  • Harnessing M-Health to improve diabetes management
    • News from the Spanish Society of Laboratory Medicine
    • News from Pakistan (PSCP): Meeting Report – World Rare Diseases Day 2018
    • CHEMCON 2018: 9th Annual course of the Pakistan Society of Chemical Pathologists
    • 14th EFLM Symposium for Balkan Region
    • EFLM publications: what’s new
  • IFCC's Calendar of Congresses, Conferences & Events
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