Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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IFCC eNews No 2, Mar 2018

Published: Monday, March 12, 2018

IFCC eNews:  March 2018

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  • A new IFCC Division: the Emerging Technologies Division (ETD)
  • The IFCC Curriculum, Phase 1 – now available for download
  • Vaccination: a public health issue
  • New IFCC Distinguished Award: "Gérard SIEST-Biologie Prospective Award 2020"
  • IFCC - Task Force Young Scientists (TFYS)
  • Clinical Chemistry Trainee Council
    • In memory of Prof. Giovanni Ceriotti (SIBioC)

    • News from the Spanish Society of Laboratory Medicine (SEQCML)

    • News from Pakistan: Meeting report (PAP)

    • 2nd EFLM Strategic Conference, 18-19 June 2018, Mannheim (DE)

    • In memory of Professor Dr. Ad P. Jansen (EFLM)

  • IFCC's Calendar of Congresses, Conferences & Events


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