Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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The IFCC Curriculum is now available for download

Published: Monday, February 19, 2018

A laboratory medicine expert is expected to have a comprehensive knowledge of the science and medicine on which the specialty is based and to use this knowledge to develop a safe, effective, efficient and high quality service to its users. The IFCC Curriculum was developed as part of the IFCC eAcademy project by the Committee for Distance Learning and is designed to guide the development of eAcademy content and to provide a framework of learning both practical and theoretical components through which this expertise can be achieved.

Version 1 of the curriculum, now available, addresses concepts related to Laboratory Organisation and Management and Blood Sciences (Clinical Chemistry and Immunology). Future additions to the curriculum will expand the scope to other disciplines within laboratory medicine.

Click here to download the IFCC Curriculum


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