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APFCB News 2016

Published: Friday, October 21, 2016

Praveen Sharma, Editor in Chief of APFCB News presents the current edition: "I extend my warm gratitude for your continuous support to me and the communication committee that has helped us in successful publishing of APFCB news all through these years. I am pleased to inform you that from this year – on APFCB news shall be published twice in a year as issue –I and issue –II. This issue comes right before we meet at the 14th APFCB Congress, Taipei and so is all the more significant. We have tried to gather as much information as possible from the first half of this year".

As happy tradition for APFCB newsletters, Dr. Tan It Koon, the founding president of APFCB, graciously contributed to the cover page with “Squirrels enjoying Hawthorn Berries”. Once again thanks to him for the beautiful paintings from his art treasure.

Click on the picture below to download the APFCB News 2016/2

 APFCB Cover 2016

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