Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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ICE Award: Deadline for submission 30 September 2016

Published: Sunday, August 28, 2016

IFCC is pleased to collaborate with the Clinical Laboratory Management Association (CLMA) and other supporters to bring an international dimension to the Increasing Clinical Effectiveness (ICE) programme and award. ICE has been launched to encourage laboratory medicine specialists to collaborate with clinical colleagues to demonstrate that optimal use of the laboratory can have a measurable positive impact on patient outcomes.

Deadline to send in Abstracts for ICE Award is: 30 September 2016.

  • Abstracts should be a maximum of 750 words and comprise:
  • Statement of problem and background (goal, context, rationale)
  • Intervention/study plan/measures (intervention choice, study design, measure appropriateness)
  • Data analysis and results (actual data, quality assessment of data, interpretation, limitations, findings)
  • Discussion and lessons learned (conclusions, generalizability, implications for others)

Further information about ICE may be accessed from, where details can be found on the project, together with instructions on submitting an abstract and on-line training sessions to help choose and deliver the best project for an abstract submission. A library of the winning and accepted abstracts from the 2015/16 ICE award may be found at:

ICE Award

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