Advancing excellence in laboratory medicine for better healthcare worldwide
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Shaping the Future of Laboratory Medicine

Published: Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sharing examples of good practice undertaken by individuals or organisations to prepare laboratory medicine to optimise its contribution to future healthcare is one way to drive change.

Good practices include but are not restricted to:

  • Improving quality in laboratory medicine
  • Improving the clinical effectiveness of laboratory medicine
  • Improving the visibility and status of laboratory medicine
  • Demonstrating the value of laboratory medicine

If you have an example of good practice that you would like to share with others please summarise it in ~100 words and send it to

You may add one photograph or figure and you may include a link to an article or website that provides full details of the good practice.

If you would like to discuss your example of good practice ahead of submitting it please send an email to the same address.

Examples of good practice should be submitted by 8 July 2016 and they will be condensed in an article for the next issue of IFCC eNews. 

Shaping The Future

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